Monday, December 31, 2012

Before it's too late

I didn't blog yesterday like I almost always do because I had no clue where to start and so decided to put it off until today.

So here I am. Unfortunately, for those of you that are actually reading this, we had a family crisis this morning, and my brain isn't functioning very well at all at this point. You're lucky these sentences are coherent!

Anyway, I should have something better to contribute next week. I just don't want to get in the habit of not blogging on my usual days, as it gets easier not to do it. And it's good for me.

Till next week...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

In this moment

This year marks the first time since being on maternity leave 10 years ago, that I have spent the Christmas break not working. Mostly due to not having enough vacation time, or not having the seniority. Whatever the case, this year I had the time, and I am now in a unit that allows for me to take two weeks off over the break.


So, here I sit, trying to figure out what to do with this time. I have to admit, before I made a list, it was quite overwhelming. There are so many things I want to accomplish , but yet want to enjoy my time with my girls and relax. As I think about my list, and my goals for the coming months, I have come to the conclusion that I need to take the days as they come, and keep my list in front of me. I don't wish to keep a tight schedule - I mean the idea is to relax right? So, I'll take one day at a time, and I fully intend on living in the moment.




Sunday, December 16, 2012


I missed blogging last week, and am finding it more difficult to write today due to the recent tragedy in the US. Something like that always makes me want to hold my children closer, and my heart bleeds for those families that cannot do that any longer. Our children are our future and they hold an amazing amount of potential.

And part of that potential lies in helping them to understand mental illness so that they can see past the stigmas, and have compassion and empathy for those that struggle with mental illness.

I see so much of what we do at Silent River Kung Fu and through the Silent River Benevolent Foundation as a fantastic tool to empower our youth. Every charitable act that we perform has a positive impact both on the giver and the receiver. Our acts of kindness span our community and the globe - with projects as far away as Nepal and Malawi, and as close to home as the senior down the the street, the results are easy to see and feel.

One of the tools we use to spread awareness is our lion dance and I feel blessed to be a part of it. My sense of community grows with every practice, and I love demonstrating our passion every Chinese New Year. It's a little something to help keep me positive in light of the tragedies that surround us.

( by the way, our pink lion is my favourite!)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Oma Doll

Meet Oma doll.

My youngest daughter asked me to make her a doll that looked like her late Oma shortly after she passed away. It shook me at first, but I started to work on it over the summer and am 98% finished. It was emotionally draining for me, but perhaps it was a little bit healing too.

My best friend asked me what the heck I was doing making this doll, and all I said was I think this is what my girl needs to heal, and if this helps her, than I have to make it. It is all hand sewn, and made with more love than I have put into making anything before.

My daughter hugged it tonight, and I know it was the right thing to do. It still hurts like crazy, but we have each other, and take one day at a time.

On another note, I just got back two of mom's quilt tops that I had sent out to be quilted. I just have to do the binding and they are ready to be given away. One is for my oldest daughter, and while I am going to try to have it ready for her birthday, it might end up being for Christmas.

It's nice having a few of these projects end as I feel I have so many on the go. But again, one day at a time.

I miss you mom.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

An Act of Kindness and Gratitude

I just read Sifu Regier's blog,, and it really touched me. I had been wondering about Sifu Rybak's Operation Pistachio, and now I understand.

She did something fantastic for Sifu Regier (I am assuming with the I Ho Chuan team's help) and it truly humbled me. It really proves how much of a difference an act of kindness can do. I promise that it had enormous benefits for all parties involved, and I encourage everyone to read both Sifu Regier and Sifu Rybak's blog "Operation Pistachio Part II". (I tried to put the blog's link in here, but I think it will only let me add one).

You guys are truly inspiring! Keep doing the wonderful things you are doing, the school sees it, and we are benefitting from the warm fuzzies that are occurring. It's a great example for us all to aspire to.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Butterfly Breath

I have been working on a project lately that is both very challenging mentally, but at the same time it's almost mindless. Basically it's something that I could do with my eyes shut (almost) but it's very emotionally draining.

It has been good for me though. I am very determined to see this through, and I am almost done. Which makes it hard to put down, because I want to give my brain a break.

It's the kind of project which reminds me to breathe in and out, and to reflect on the things that are important to me.

So when things seem tough, or your stress is at it's limit, or you feel discouraged, remember to breathe in and out remind yourself of where you are.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Can't put it off any longer

Yes, I am talking about this blog. I know it has tremendous value, and maybe it's because I missed last week, but writing today has been very difficult.

There is a lot going on in my head right now, lists of things I want to do, lists of things I need to do, and a blank list.

Why a blank list? I start in a different position at work this week, and I have no idea what it really is. There have been some duties thrown out there, but nothing is cemented. My boss says "Make it yours". Um, ok.

This is a whole new opportunity for me. One that holds many possibilities. One that makes my palms sweat because I am diving into an unknown. However, this is where my Kung Fu comes in.

I have always trusted my instructors to lead me in the right direction, and through them, I have learned to trust myself more. If I work hard, I can begin to master this new path. The path to black belt was laid out for me, but I still had to make my own way, in my own time. After black belt, I continued to forge my own path with patience and discipline. I know the same will apply at work.

So, bring it on!


Sunday, October 28, 2012


Abraham Lincoln, Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Isaac Newton, Mark Twain and Teddy Roosevelt. A handful of well knowns who battled depression.


Depression, along with all other mental illnesses are still stigmatized even though its been noted throughout history.


A person with depression generally battles with feelings of despair for an extended period of time. It affects all aspects of your life, physically too and can range from mild to severe. For some people they can get through their days, with a bright face on display, and for others getting out of bed is impossible.


Its important that we recognize depression, and other mental illnesses and educate ourselves. It's also important that we take a mental picture of where we are at, so perhaps we can find help for ourselves if we need it. Its ok to ask for help. It's ok to lean. But it's not ok to feel sad all the time.


I encourage everyone, to learn what you can about depression, or any other mental illness that you may have been touched by. If more people are educated about mental illness, we can share more empathy and compassion with those affected.



Sunday, October 14, 2012


Something came up in class the other night, and it got me thinking about forms. I love forms, and can honestly say that they are my favourite part of Kung Fu.

I hope to teach in the upcoming forms seminar on November 3rd, and look forward to passing on my passion. I learn every time I teach so every one wins! It's a fantastic opportunity for everyone, no matter your rank.

I am excited about the seminar, as I am every year. Hope to see you there!


Monday, October 8, 2012

To blog or not to blog

I've probably used that title before, but its really fitting right now.

I had pretty much resigned myself to not posting this week, until a few moments ago. I don't think I have much to offer right now, and while I am thankful for many things, my heart just isn't in it at this time.

I read all the blogs this weekend and a couple have really stood out for me. One of our family members was cut off of tv and the computer/ iPod on Sunday. And because of that I was again reminded how much fun it is to pull out board games and head outside. We really don't need electronics like we think we do.

I guess my point is, that even if I don't feel like doing something, I am usually better off for it, and secondly, I love spending time with my kids playing board games and such.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Black Dragons

I have to say this - I am really proud of how the black dragons pulled together for the push-up/ sit-up challenge last week. I felt a lot of energy from the kids, and it felt great to see them post their results online.


I hope the kids got something out of this. I know I got an awesome reminder of how much we can accomplish as a team and when we put our minds to something.


We had a common goal, we knew our job, and we had fun. So again, our results are...


Push-ups - 5619

Sit-ups - 5395

All in one week...

Pretty Awesome!!!


Sunday, September 23, 2012


I had the opportunity to spar in the black belt class last week, and I tell you it was better than I expected. You see, I haven't exactly sparred grownups much in the past 3 years, and it was never something I looked forward to. It used to give me a lot of anxiety and stress, and during my early sparring years as a lower belt, there were times where I just couldn't do it.

So I am very guilty of not sparring willingly once I earned my black belt. Except when I sparred with the kids in the Black Dragon classes. I guess the kids don't intimidate me, and just maybe it has helped a little with the underlying anxiety I have over sparring in general.

I felt pretty calm last week, and I actually didn't feel like I had to struggle with combinations, or finding my "in". I did learn however, that I need to protect my head more. I took a lot of head shots. :-)

I also think that lots of forms practice has helped me keep up somewhat in this aspect, but I do recognize that I am way behind where I probably should be.

This also got me thinking about the few forms that I don't like to do. And I love forms - they are my favourite part of Kung Fu. So, the moral is this - I MUST focus some more on the things that I like less of in Kung Fu - sparring and in particular Hung 1 and 2. (My dislike for that form is how linear it feels. But that could just be my perception, which will need to change).

See you on the mats!

p.s. Watch for the ongoing saga of the Black Dragons against the I Ho Chuan team!!! Follow us on Kwoon Talk.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

How busy?

Someone asked me something the other day that got me thinking. The question was along the lines of how I do it all. I work full time, raise my two daughters, teach and train in Kung fu several times a week.

When I thought about it though, I don't actually feel that busy. My lifestyle is something that has grown over time, and I honestly don't think about it. It just is.

I think that is something that is hard to grasp sometimes. I know that every now and then life gets to be too much and we wonder what the heck we are doing? But yet, for me the solution is pretty simple. All it takes is a reflection of what Kung Fu has done for me and I realize what I have always known. This is where I belong, and my Kung Fu is my life. It's my journey, and I have a huge Kung Fu "family" to keep me going.



Sunday, September 9, 2012

A breath of fresh air

That is exactly how my morning was today, and it was great! It has been great as well, training and preparing for today's performance and I had forgotten how wonderful it is to perform with such great people, and for a great cause.

Today's Rotary Run for Life is something that we have done a lion dance in for as long as I can remember. And today, we got to add the Dragon into the mix! I think it's a wonderful tribute to our school to be invited to be a part of this year after year, and it says a lot about our commitment to our community.

I love being a part of this! You guys in the demo, and you guys who supported us by being there - Thank you!!! I had a fantastic time today...


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thought by thought

I have a few stray thoughts to share...


1. While I had the previous week off, I spent most of it on the sidelines. Most of my well laid plans, are still waiting for my attention.

2. Even though I was more or less out of commission, I got some well needed rest.

3. I had the pleasure of babysitting my nephew. He is 4 months old, and is a wonder.

4. I pulled out one of moms projects, and am almost done! It's a table runner, but it's a start.

5. I am looking forward to getting back to school. The routines and the new possibilities they represent.

6. I am also looking forward to being a part of the Lion/ Dragon dance next weekend. I couldn't make the last couple of practices, but will be there this week!

7. I have been thinking about where my strengths are with my kung fu. Have to ponder this further...

8. I am curious about Sifu Rybak's pistachio project thing....?

9. I really enjoy reading all of the blogs from our students. It's a great way to stay connected.

10. I am thankful for the life I have, and for the opportunities that are available. I feel blessed.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

You can't fail if you don't quit


A month or so ago, I posted that I was going to finish some of moms quilts, and my goal had been 1 per month. Well, that isn't going to happen yet. I was over zealous in thinking the healing process would be simpler and faster if I jumped in head first.

Well, I was really, really wrong. It is still really difficult to look at her projects, let alone work on them. However, I haven't failed in this goal, as I haven't quit. I do intend on finishing them, but I have to keep in front of me that I can't rush the healing process. And that is exactly what it is. A process.

Our Kung Fu journey is really a process, as is becoming involved with the school. The process being that you don't give up, and every time you fall you get up again. You get a little further each time you get back up and before you know it, your goal is adapting to your progress.

Silent River's renovations also are a process. Each year, we put in our sweat and blood, and each year the result is different. But the soul of the school stays the same. We have expanded, and changed things around but we adapt and become part of the process. The spirit of the school, our Kung Fu family stays the same while the surroundings are refreshed.

I love the fresh start we have every September, and the excitement it brings. It always reminds me how spectacular our journey is and how lucky we really are.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Not a roundhouse!

This week, while going full out with Kempo, I realized that my back kick needs work. Seriously. I noticed I am lifting my centre, which is definitely a no no, and therefore I lose a lot of power and stability. There was a transition in 18 Temple Motions that took me a long time to get good at (haven't mastered it yet), and it took changing the way I looked at it, as well as really focusing on where my centre was. So now I have to apply the same thing here. I need to really focus on my centre, my harmonies, and my vectors, so that I can execute that kick quickly, accurately and with power. I see lots of kicking in my future. It doesn't get much more awesome than that...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ugh, stress.

What do you think of when you think of stress? Is it physical stress, or a stressful situation? Or is the stress from trying to find the balance between work, kung fu, family?


I think it's easy to forget that after a while, stress can just become backround noise, and it isn't until your body overtakes your mind and the reality sets in. Huh? Basically, over time the stress eats at you, and what your mind endures, so does your body.


That's when it's time to stop and take in your surroundings. Or take stock of what the heck is going on. Your body is a window - and it very easily lets us know when something is amiss. We just have to quiet our minds and listen. Not always an easy thing to do however.


So now what? First, figure out what is going on. Then take the steps needed to eliminate them if possible. If they cannot be eliminated, then find a good, healthy way to cope. Whether it's meditation, journalling, or simply taking the time to take care of yourself. (we do deserve that). And if we cannot do this on our own, we need to ask for help.


I know long term stress isn't good. It wears you down, and leaves you in a vulnerable position. But the key is to recognize it and do something about it. I didn't, and I am paying the consequences. But I am not complaining - this is my reality check. (And vacation is coming!)


Take care everyone. We only have one body, and one mind. We need to treat both with considerable respect.



Sunday, August 5, 2012


I have been pondering my blog for most of the day, and am not completely sure where to start. I have days like that, as I am sure we all do at some point, where I have all of these ideas, plans, or things that I want to do, and it's overwhelming because you just don't know where to start. However, blogging is a great way to weed through all mush in my head, and voila! There's my path!


I took my kids to the pool today, and watched them play without abandon. I was a little envious, as they were completely in the moment, and having an absolute blast. But sitting on the sidelines got me thinking about what I consider important, and what I want to be doing right now. I am still trying to find a balance with kung fu and family - what was once fairly simple has gotten a bit more complicated since mom passed. But I know this will settle with time, and I have what I need right now. I am not training like I used to, but I am still training, and I think that's the key. Not to give up. Ever. Now is just not my time to go full out physically, but I can easily work on my mental training.


Kung fu is a journey, not a destination. Sure we set goals, but those are steps on the journey. I have the rest of my life to continue Kung Fu, and as long as I stay connected, and train smartly, nothing can stop me from reaching farther, and becoming a better person.


Sunday, July 29, 2012


Starting these blogs can be a challenge sometimes. I know what I want to say but finding that perfect segway isn't always easy. Anyway, I had a moment yesterday in Tai Chi that made a lot of sense. We have a couple of new students taking the class, and one asked Sifu Dennis where the power is in tai chi. Her answer basically explained how the internal power generated from tai chi is the driving force behind our physical power. Not to say that someone with brute strength doesn't have power, but that they don't have the grounding and energy that martial artists have. When our internal energy is behind our external we become a formidable force.


Now I have worked with Sifu Dennis outside of tai chi, and she has more power than I expected. I see her as a very peaceful person, with a strong spirit, and I have never really opened myself to how powerful tai chi really is. Sifu Dennis is a martial artist that I really respect, and I hope that one day I can have the power and spirit that she does.


In a nut shell, the six harmonies are only possible when your internal harmonies are strong. We need our flow, we need to feel our chi, and we need to have a strong spirit in order to master our external strength.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pit of doom

What inspires you? Is it a higher belt in Kung Fu who seems to have it all together? Is it the fact that you finally get a technique? Or is it just being in a place full of like minded people? I find I am inspired all of the time by these things and more.


I get inspired by teaching, by learning new things, and by pushing myself harder. I haven't been up to snuff on my kung fu for the past few months, but am once again feeling more inspired and am finding a few minutes throughout each and every day to fit in a little training. I try to pump out small batches of pushups during the day, I throw kicks when I can, and I think about kung fu all the time.


I encourage everyone, to find some inspiration within everything you do. It can come in the smallest packages - whether it's a smile, a small gesture of appreciation, or simply a compliment for something that you have done. I can get inspired by watching another student finally understand something. Or have a Lil Leopard ask to see a weapon after class.


But remember, you have to keep being in the right place - it won't always be the right time, but if you keep showing up, the opportunity will present itself, and your patience will be rewarded. And if you aren't feeling inspired, then please talk to someone who can help. You are surrounded by like minded people - who else better qualified is there that can help you feel inspired?


( The title of my blog is based on a nameless game I really love playing with the Lil Leopards. It's great fun)


Sunday, July 8, 2012

I forgot


Yes, forgot to blog last week. Oops. I have spent the last little bit trying to figure out a way to inspire the black dragons, and I hope I am on the right track. It can be difficult to stay motivated when the sun is out, and the days are calling you outside. School is out, and vacations loom. So how can you stay engaged in your training?


I think part of the trick, for kids anyway, is to keep it fun. Taking it outside will work well too. And I think that working in some general summer fitness will help to keep them engaged, as well as myself as an instructor.

I am finally finding my rhythm again after months of trials and tribulations. It felt good to bring out my fan again yesterday and I could feel my chi flowing. It was a good feeling, one I have missed.



Sunday, June 17, 2012

And so it goes

As of today, I am setting a monthly goal - it isn't really Kung Fu related, but I suppose in a way it is. My goal consists of a few parts and elements, and I hope to give to the community while perhaps initiating healing within myself.


For those of you that may have met my mom, will remember her as an avid quilter. Although, avid doesn't quite seem to cut it. She had quilting friends all over North America as well as Europe. You may or may not recall the quilt she made with our pandemonium handprints and auctioned off a few years ago. Now, I have been going through her things, which isn't easy, however necessary. I have come across many near finished quilts, many blocks waiting to be sewn into quilts, and a wall full of fabric. I have decided that I am going to finish the ones that need finishing, and donate them to either the Seniors center, or the Cross Cancer Institute. And maybe keep one or two for myself.


My goal, is to complete one per month and to post a picture of the completed project before it goes to a deserving person. I m by no means a quilter, but I can sew, and this project will be dear to me.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

You loved me first

I am not sure if I can write what I want to write about yet. Or if I will ever be ready to share my loss. The loss has affected my whole family, not just me, and these last 4 months have left us all reeling in it's wake. On one hand, our lives were flipped upside down and inside out, but it brought my family closer together too. I never imagined how much one person could touch so many lives in a short lifetime, but it is possible. I have been humbled by the simple act of being kind, and the difference a genuine smile can make. When you make others a priority, and take their wellbeing seriously, you can make a difference. And it doesn't even have to be in person to do it. Kind words, words spoken with optimism, and words spoken from the heart, can travel the globe with the strike of a button. We don't know how much of a difference we might make, but if we concentrate on our acts of kindness and being sincere, I know we have the ability to change the world. My world is a better place, and I am a better person because of my mom. I am starting to understand the power of kindness, and the feelings of peace when it is given unconditionally. She is my angel, the wind that blows, the sun that shines, the rain that falls and nourishes, and the cold sleep of winter. She is the light that I see in my children. I miss you mom. (and your hugs too)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

In the Moment

I think I have written about this before, but I am needing to again. I have come to realize again lately just how important it is to stay in the moment no matter what you are doing or who you are with. Our lifestyle today seems to dictate multitasking, and running from one thing to the next. I am not sure how we can truly appreciate anything in this state, or even benefit from the situation.


We should always try to keep our focus on the here and now, because we don't know what we might miss.




Monday, May 21, 2012

Spring is Sprung

The grass is riz, I know where the birdies is. In fact I hear them all the time as there us a family living in the birdhouse just outside our living room in the birdhouse my daughter built.

I am sitting outside right now, while my kids are picking up garbage from around the apartment building. I have been attempting some planter gardening, and while I do not have a green thumb, I have hopes that something might grow.

I love this time of year when everything starts fresh. In fact, I think some tai chi on the lawn is exactly what I need right now.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

This is different

Blogger has changed it's format, and I am not sure what to think yet. I can't remember if it was like this 2 weeks ago when I last posted, so this must be new. My entries have sucked this last month or so, and I have a feeling it will be a while yet before I can put something with substance down. It was tempting not to write tonight, as I am not ready to share the recent complexities of my life. Another time perhaps. However, I felt like a cop out for not posting last week, and just simply could not leave this entry for another day. Yes, I am not really writing about anything, but sometimes I think that in itself is a process that I have to stick to. Otherwise it might be way too simple to just stop journalling. That wouldn't do. I am thankful for my mom. Today is Mother's Day, and while I am always appreciative of her, today was a good day to let her know how much she means to me, and how much she inspires me. I am who I am because of her, and I hope one day that I am half the mother she is now. Thanks mom!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Sometimes it can be tricky to balance our lives. Between work, play (kung fu), and family, we sometimes struggle to keep it all together and not feel like you are letting someone down. I reached a point recently where I realized that I needed to stop and reset myself so that I could actually be in a state that would allow me to take care of the people in my life, as well as perform my day to day activities. It’s important that we recognize when we need to reset, as well as when to accept help. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak. You need to acknowledge when you are at this point so that you are still in a position to do something about it. Life is about balance and Kung Fu has done wonders for me in finding it. (although I feel like I have missed a lot of it lately ironically). It’s a sense of purpose that fulfills me, and allows me to recharge and reset.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Not in the moment at the moment

I have been having some troubles staying in the moment lately, especially when it comes to my training. It bothers me a bit, as my training is something has always allowed me to focus and be in the moment. I know we all struggle with motivation at some point, and I guess my time is now. I do know, that while my heart isn't all there right now, it will find it's way home. I just have to keep plugging away, showing up, going through the motions, and at some point (hopefully soon) I will once again find myself in the moment.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Um, no title here...

It's funny how sometimes you just have a realization about a technique. It hits out of the blue, and all of a sudden it makes sense. Yesterday found me in a state of wonder over my toyu stance in Tai Chi. I think I have been doing it wrong in my hips for the last 3 years. What? But it's a good thing when that happens. It gave me a sense of renewal, and a sense of wonder.

And I find it amazing too, what a good stretch can do for the psyche. Stretching your body is a wonderful thing and a good thing as well for the body. Good technique occurs when both the body and mind can work as one. Moving meditation has become very important in my life, and it grounds me in my training and at home.

Sunday, April 1, 2012



 I believe that change begins with a single act...




Sunday, March 25, 2012

Being Mindful

 I have been reading a book by Thich Nhat Hanh "Peace is every breath", and it has made me pause and consider my meditation practice.  Or the lack thereof.  


There is always time to meditate - whether we are making a meal, or walking through the parking lot to work.  The key is to be mindful.  Being in the very moment, with our entire being.  I recognize that I haven't been in the moment lately, and my stress level shows it.  I have added a couple of power walks at work during my coffee breaks, but I am not mindful.  I am quite sure that my mind is racing as fast as my legs are carrying me.  So with this in mind, starting tomorrow, I am going to stay in the moment when I walk at coffee.  And when I need to switch tasks, I am going to take a deep cleansing breath.  


I know my mind and soul will thank me.  


Sunday, March 18, 2012


 We have moved our annual Pandemonium to May this year instead of competing with all the other fundraisers in November.  I am really looking forward to it this year.  It is going to 24 hours of non stop Kung Fu!  But it doesn't stop there - we are going to have many things going on including games and all out good training times.


May 5th is our planned day at the kwoon.  We hope to spread awareness for our charities, and to teach empathy.  Do we truly understand how fortunate we are to go to school?  Or to know we don't have to worry about where our next meal will come from?  Where might we be if a family member needed specialize equipment to function or get around?  And while it can be easy to turn our cheek to all the unwanted animals out there - they need our love and protection.  How often do we think about mental illness?  Or how serious it can be?  These are the reasons that I am excited for the Pandemonium.  I want to make a difference.  


My daughter asked me today if I was a philanthropist.  It made me think about how she sees me, and perhaps how the world might see me.  Does that mean that I am making a difference, no matter how small I think it is?  It also made me realize that my actions are also shaping my children and perhaps guiding them to changing the world.  They made a point of collecting clothing/ supplies for a homeless shelter, on their own!   And I know that there are also many people in our kwoon that also make significant contributions to our community here and far away.  


By participating in the Pandemonium, we are taking things into our own hands.  We are spreading awareness, teaching empathy and compassion, and having a great time doing it!!!


Can't wait to see you all on Saturday May 5th!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

There was a quote about control...

 This week's blog has been a tough one to start.  Mentally, I don't feel I can do this today, but deep down I know it is exactly what I need to be doing right now.  


I reacted to a situation today in a way I am not proud of.  I may have over reacted, and I know for a fact I was not looking at things in a positive light.  However, I think that because I recognize my thoughts and actions, I can reflect on them, learn from them, and hopefully react differently if it happens again.  It's important to keep things in perspective and keep what the issue is really about in front of you.  


The same applies to Kung Fu.  If you are doing a form or techniques and they just don't feel right, stop.  Listen to your body and see or feel what is going on.  Is your brain engaged somewhere else?  Do you have an injury you are unaware of?  Are you mentally or physically exhausted?  Think about where you are at, before you become frustrated with the journey.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

The time is now

My brain feels full and it's been difficult to concentrate. I also had a lot of potential today, but instead I vegged out - read a book, played some games, and did some crafts with my daughter. I guess if you think about it, it was a good day. Most days I am running around or at least it feels that way, so today was a needed break.

I was thinking about forms yesterday (today too to be honest). I was breaking them down, and trying to really see what it is we are doing in the form. When am I blocking and countering, what am I blocking, and why I am moving in the directions that I am. These are things we need to be aware of - and they will be different for everyone. I might be gouging someone in the eye, while the next person might be striking the throat. The idea however, is to be aware of why you are moving the way you are, and to install purpose into your forms.

During one of the classes this week, a black belt mentioned that all of our Kung Fu is in our forms. There lies the base for our sparring and our techniques. Fortunately for me, I love forms.

Insert segway...

Although, while I love forms, I watched some MMA girls fighting this weekend, and was totally inspired. I know I am not as comfortable sparring as I could be, nor am I comfortable on the ground. But as of right now, I want to get in there, and get dirty. I'm stoked!!!

Monday, February 27, 2012


Some days, this blogging thing is really difficult, although I do have to say that usually once i get started, the words/ thoughts just flow.

The snow this weekend, made me happy. I know, what kind of a crazy person am I? It's just that it hasn't felt like winter, and there was just SO much of it, it was simply awesome! I was once again humbled by my youngest daughter's attitude though. We watched through the window as someone in a pick up truck tried to get unstuck in our parking lot. We watched several people come and go, all trying their best to get this person out, but to no avail. Then after a while, my daughter said "We have to go help! We just have to!" And she asked my dad to pull them out with his truck. So we all went outside to help. The girls armed with their shovels to help dig them out, and me to push if needed or whatever else. And my dad did get this lady out of the snow and on her way.

It was a really good thing my daughter did. I felt so proud of her. And then Sunday we went out to shovel our senior's driveway, and the girls loved every minute of it. And I am proud to say, that volunteering this year was their idea. It's so easy to only see what is in front of you - and to forget the compassion and empathy we are instilling in our children/ students.

I thank Kung Fu, specifically Silent River Kung Fu, for helping me raise such amazing young women.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Training as a pyramid - it starts with the basics, your building blocks. Everything we do at higher belt levels, are all based on what we learn as a white belt. Those basics are what we build upon - your thrust punches, your horse stance, your bow stance, your front thrust kick, side heel thrust, roundhouse etc.

As we move up in our journey, we tend to focus on the new combinations we have learned, and are eagerly looking towards the next ones. We mistakenly assume that by practicing these new combinations that we are practicing our basics. Yes the basics are in there, but they are not really being practiced in a mindful manner.

I guarantee that if you watch a sihing or sifu practice, you will see them practice a lot of the basic techniques from our white belt curriculum. Why? Because if we let these fall, then all the rest of our Kung Fu will follow. We need to have a strong base in order to continue to build upon it.

Say you have just gotten your yellow belt - but you were looking ahead to what you get to learn as a blue belt and tried those techniques. What do you think would happen? Most likely, they wouldn't make sense, and wouldn't feel right. We have to progress incrementally. By building up, brick by brick. Doing something before you are ready, is going to set you back.

We are all different, and learn at different speeds and in different ways. But we all need to keep our basic building blocks in front of us regardless of our learning abilities. Never lose focus on where you started, and always practice your basics.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


 I have been thinking about time and how fast it can pass.  I am watching how fast my children are growing, and how it feels like only yesterday they needed my help with everything.  Now they grow more independent every day. 


I have also been looking back at my journey in Kung Fu.  I started 9 years ago, and it seems almost like yesterday I was learning to tie my white belt.  I realized the other night, how much I have learned, but that there is still so much more.  The learning will never stop, and that keeps me going.


Time doesn't stop, but how we use it can create many opportunities.  10 minutes here and there throughout the day can add up to a lot.  It's also important to be aware of your time, so that you don't miss anything.  




Sunday, February 5, 2012

A cup of tea

It feels like this year has been off to a rocky start. Maybe not, but that is how it feels. There has been change galore, and some upheaval as far as my routine goes.

I have felt restless, and when I am feeling this way, it is important that I sit back and really think about the reasons. It's important for me to consider where the restlessness might take me, and the impact it will have on those around me. Because if I choose to forge ahead, without considering what I am really doing and why, I could leave disaster in my wake.

There are always consequences to our actions, (or inaction) and I cannot stress enough the importance of thinking things through. It is a lesson that I continue to learn, and I hope that one day it comes easier. With practice, discipline and hard work, mastery will come.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Not the end, but the beginning

Congratulations to all the new Sifus!  A night like last night is truly a night to remember - it marks the beginning of your journey.  You have set a high standard for yourselves, and your hard work, dedication, and discipline have set the pace for the next group.


It's important to remember where you started as a white belt, and to keep that path in front of you.  You guys have grown in so many ways, and I find it so inspiring.  Keep up the fantastic things you have been doing!


I want to thank everyone who made last night possible.  Without all the help, and expertise it wouldn't have been the fantastic event it was.  Your efforts did not go unnoticed.  And another thank you to everyone who made our silent auction possible... You all make me proud to be a part of Silent River Kung Fu.  

And now back to your regular program, while I sit back in my recliner, sicker than a dog.  


Sunday, January 22, 2012


There has been some significant change in my world lately.  For the most part, I can take change with a grain of salt, but there were several changes at once lately that were more challenging than I thought. 


The major stuff has been taken care of at this point, but obviously there will be some residual effects to get through.  What I noticed though, was how my lifestyle helped me to get through.  Daily pushups and sit ups, and the planning for our Chinese New Year banquet have been vital in keeping my sanity.  


As long as I have Kung Fu, I have a strategy to deal with change.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's here!

My project is now live...the only part I need help with is your stories. My project is a new blog to document all of our defining moments in our Kung Fu journey. Please read, and please add your story too. (right now, you will have to send it to me until I figure out how to let you post directly).

(Unfortunately I couldn't get the link to work so you'll have to copy and paste it into your browser)


Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Project

It's coming very soon...I will post it on my blog here, and on kwoon talk. I am excited about it, and hope you will be too. I hope to have it up and going by the end of this week...

Happy New Year.