Sunday, August 5, 2012


I have been pondering my blog for most of the day, and am not completely sure where to start. I have days like that, as I am sure we all do at some point, where I have all of these ideas, plans, or things that I want to do, and it's overwhelming because you just don't know where to start. However, blogging is a great way to weed through all mush in my head, and voila! There's my path!


I took my kids to the pool today, and watched them play without abandon. I was a little envious, as they were completely in the moment, and having an absolute blast. But sitting on the sidelines got me thinking about what I consider important, and what I want to be doing right now. I am still trying to find a balance with kung fu and family - what was once fairly simple has gotten a bit more complicated since mom passed. But I know this will settle with time, and I have what I need right now. I am not training like I used to, but I am still training, and I think that's the key. Not to give up. Ever. Now is just not my time to go full out physically, but I can easily work on my mental training.


Kung fu is a journey, not a destination. Sure we set goals, but those are steps on the journey. I have the rest of my life to continue Kung Fu, and as long as I stay connected, and train smartly, nothing can stop me from reaching farther, and becoming a better person.


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