Sunday, February 5, 2012

A cup of tea

It feels like this year has been off to a rocky start. Maybe not, but that is how it feels. There has been change galore, and some upheaval as far as my routine goes.

I have felt restless, and when I am feeling this way, it is important that I sit back and really think about the reasons. It's important for me to consider where the restlessness might take me, and the impact it will have on those around me. Because if I choose to forge ahead, without considering what I am really doing and why, I could leave disaster in my wake.

There are always consequences to our actions, (or inaction) and I cannot stress enough the importance of thinking things through. It is a lesson that I continue to learn, and I hope that one day it comes easier. With practice, discipline and hard work, mastery will come.

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