Sunday, March 25, 2012

Being Mindful

 I have been reading a book by Thich Nhat Hanh "Peace is every breath", and it has made me pause and consider my meditation practice.  Or the lack thereof.  


There is always time to meditate - whether we are making a meal, or walking through the parking lot to work.  The key is to be mindful.  Being in the very moment, with our entire being.  I recognize that I haven't been in the moment lately, and my stress level shows it.  I have added a couple of power walks at work during my coffee breaks, but I am not mindful.  I am quite sure that my mind is racing as fast as my legs are carrying me.  So with this in mind, starting tomorrow, I am going to stay in the moment when I walk at coffee.  And when I need to switch tasks, I am going to take a deep cleansing breath.  


I know my mind and soul will thank me.  


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