Monday, October 8, 2012

To blog or not to blog

I've probably used that title before, but its really fitting right now.

I had pretty much resigned myself to not posting this week, until a few moments ago. I don't think I have much to offer right now, and while I am thankful for many things, my heart just isn't in it at this time.

I read all the blogs this weekend and a couple have really stood out for me. One of our family members was cut off of tv and the computer/ iPod on Sunday. And because of that I was again reminded how much fun it is to pull out board games and head outside. We really don't need electronics like we think we do.

I guess my point is, that even if I don't feel like doing something, I am usually better off for it, and secondly, I love spending time with my kids playing board games and such.


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