Sunday, December 16, 2012


I missed blogging last week, and am finding it more difficult to write today due to the recent tragedy in the US. Something like that always makes me want to hold my children closer, and my heart bleeds for those families that cannot do that any longer. Our children are our future and they hold an amazing amount of potential.

And part of that potential lies in helping them to understand mental illness so that they can see past the stigmas, and have compassion and empathy for those that struggle with mental illness.

I see so much of what we do at Silent River Kung Fu and through the Silent River Benevolent Foundation as a fantastic tool to empower our youth. Every charitable act that we perform has a positive impact both on the giver and the receiver. Our acts of kindness span our community and the globe - with projects as far away as Nepal and Malawi, and as close to home as the senior down the the street, the results are easy to see and feel.

One of the tools we use to spread awareness is our lion dance and I feel blessed to be a part of it. My sense of community grows with every practice, and I love demonstrating our passion every Chinese New Year. It's a little something to help keep me positive in light of the tragedies that surround us.

( by the way, our pink lion is my favourite!)

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