Thursday, December 26, 2013

What happened here?

Somehow, it's Thursday and I never did finish or post by blog from Sunday. And in reading it now, I have decided to delete it and start over.

I've taken some time off over the holidays, and I am realizing that I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Maybe. At any rate, it's Thursday, and I have only done a couple of things on my ginormous list. At least I'm ambitious, right?

I am taking some time to fit in some daily Kung Fu though. That helps to keep me balanced and to stay in the present moment.

Anyway, I hope everyone is taking the time to appreciate each other this season as well as taking the time to be in the moment.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lion Dance

I have forgotten how much I love being in the middle of the creative process that occurs with every lion dance - and/or dragon dance. I had the opportunity on Thursday to pop into a lion head and do the dance for the evening. It was awesome. I also really enjoy being the buddha. I love the traditions that we have associated to the lions, and how it separates us from other schools. And I especially love sharing it with others. Here's to being a part of an amazing school, filled with amazing people.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Where did the time go?

My oldest daughter is 13 today, and I have found myself going back in time fairly often this past week. Maybe it's because she is officially a "teenager" now but regardless, I have been doing a lot of reminiscing.

She started Kung Fu 10 years ago, and I can clearly see how it has helped her grow into the person she is today. Well, we have all grown with Kung Fu, to tell the truth. Her first couple of months in the Lil Leopards program she sat on my lap and wouldn't make eye contact with anyone. Then she was slowly able to go on the mats after the warm up. And then about six months in, she was one of the loudest kids in there. Granted, she isn't loud anymore and her anxiety gets the better of her sometimes, but she is growing into a wonderful woman. (Makes me kind of sad though).

In my years of training, I have seen many little ones grow into big people and there are a number of kids that have grown up together in the kwoon. I think that's really awesome. I can't think of a better place to raise my kids. It has been like a second family helping to shape my kids' future. Literally, the community is helping to raise them.

Anyway, they grow up fast, and there isn't anything I can do to stop it, but I can cherish all of the little things along the way.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Eye for detail

Some days it seems like my eye for detail goes on vacation. I miss things that might affect how well others can work, or I can easily miss something that needs fixing with my training. I know I also have some days where I feel that my eye for detail is pretty good. I think the best way to combat this lack, is to do my absolute best to stay mindful of everything that I do, no matter what my mindset is, or the task that I am working on. A lack of an eye for detail can make a huge difference in everything. And it could also mean that you miss an opportunity to make a difference. Mindfulness is the key.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

That felt good

I have missed the last few Tai Chi classes and it felt really good to be there again yesterday. My Saturdays have been more or less the same over the last 5 ish years, and it definitely makes me appreciate it more when it I miss a class. I know I have written about this before, but I find Tai Chi very meditative, so it's a perfect class after the Lil Leopards.

I have heard that there might be a small Tai Chi demo - I sure hope to be a part of that if it happens!




Sunday, November 10, 2013

It got away some how

I have many thoughts running through my mind at the moment, and I have been sitting here trying to pin one down so I could blog. This little one has been on my mind for a bit, although it has really only hit me yesterday that I HAVE to find a way to address it. No, it isn't anything huge, but it could be huge to a little someone. I always struggle for a while when new little leopards start. The girls are easy as there is usually only a couple. But the boys, well - while they all look different, when they have similar haircuts it can be difficult to differentiate them from one another. Usually it only takes a month or so for me to get a handle on them, but this year it is seemingly difficult. And it bothers me. Yesterday, I found out that one little guy was not who I thought he was, and I felt incredibly guilty. How can I possibly connect with them, when I don't know who they are? I know, it'll come, but I do need to stay vigilant so that I do learn their names. I'm not sure how yet, but I will figure it out.....

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Where to now?

Days like today are days that I could very easily skip blogging. My mental state isn't where it could be, so while I would rather not write here is a simple quote...


"A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination."

- Nelson Mandela (1918-)



Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tiger Challenge

I posted a high five on kwoon talk yesterday, but wanted to do that here too. I love being a part of this event, and seeing the efforts of everyone pay off. I kind of feel like a "parent" when it comes to the kids I teach competing. Actually, Sihing Csillag said the same thing. But I was proud of all them for pushing themselves. I love the engagement of the student body and seeing us all come together as one family. I competed yesterday, and I didn't realize how much anxiety I had until I crashed after. I hate that. But it's over, and I did what I said I would, even though I was temped to pull out and not compete.


Anyway, congrats to everyone (medal or not) for being there and showing us how hard you worked.




Sunday, October 20, 2013

Meet Tazzy

Here is the newest member of our family. Sifu Rybak found her a just over a week ago, and after a lot of thought, I decided to adopt her. Our cat Molly was adopted as an adult, and I always swore that I would only take in older cats because they are calmer and aren't as high energy as a kitten. Well, this sweet little thing has changed my mind. Or rather melted my heart. It is going to take a little bit for all of us to adapt, but we will I'm sure.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sorry for the rant

This is a rant. Not necessarily raving, but a rant nonetheless. The following is how I feel, and and I am by no means saying I am better than anyone else.


Every year at this time, the Government of Canada does it's United Way campaign. Now I am not a fan of this one, as I don't know where the donations actually go. How much of this is administration fees? This year, one of our units did a "stuff a truck" food bank drive. I guess they did pretty good. So there are benefits to it. However.


My issue lies not only with where the donations may or may not go, why is there an advertised need once a year? Or I suppose it could be twice a year as there is usually a food drive at Christmas. My eyes were opened a couple of years ago, when my daughters collected donations for the Mustard Seed foundation in edmonton. They collected coats, hats, mittens, and toiletries for the homeless. We were given a tour when we arrived, and part of this tour included the food bank donation pick up, where a family gets 1 bag of groceries per week. (That bag consisted of maybe 2 or 3 meals). We also saw the crap the people donate - donations that the previous owner wouldn't eat because it was old. That angers me. Why is it that it's not good enough for you, but good enough for someone less fortunate? It frustrates me to no end.


So I am not here to preach, or to make my family sound above all that. But ever since then, I pick up extra food every time I get groceries. Not a lot, like $5 - $10 worth, but we donate every week. Those less fortunate need to eat all year round, not just at specific times of the year and my little contribution each week doesn't cause me any hardship and I hope that it makes a difference, even if it's small.


I would like to encourage everyone to see if you can make a difference somehow, and in something you are passionate about. We are fortunate to have Kung Fu, each other, and the freedoms that we have. I am passionate about the charities we donate to, and my hope is that we can make a difference.


p.s. All the money from the Tiger Challenge goes to the five charities we support: The Children's Ability Fund, S.C.A.R.S., Malawi Girls, Feeding he homeless in Kathmandu, and the Simon Poultney Foundation.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Silent leaders


Being a leader doesn't mean you have to be in the forefront of things, nor does being inspiring by being in someone's face. Sometimes, the leaders are the quiet ones that continue to be there, in the background. I think it's important to do what feels right, and not what you perceive is right or expected.

I know where my passion lies, at least most of the time. And for the most part, I know what I am about. But is my way enough to reach everyone? Probably not, and so I try to see where others can compliment me. And when I say compliment I don't mean saying something nice. It's recognizing my weaknesses and using their strengths to counteract them.

Not only am I filling a void that I cannot fill yet, I get to learn too.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Oh, it's happening alright

I am going to compete in the tournament. There, it's out in the open and I will now have to follow through or eat dirt. Well, maybe I won't have to eat dirt, but....


I am actually going to compete for two reasons, and they aren't really for myself, although in the long run, it will do me a whole lot of good. Reason 1. My youngest had a huge anxiety attack at last years tournament, so when she said she wanted to try again, I thought it best that we do it together. Maybe she can do it this time, or maybe not, but I will be there with her. And 2. I need to inspire the Advanced Black Dragons. I feel I do anyway, so I am going to walk the walk and talk the talk. It is so happening.


Am I nervous? You betcha. But it will feel amazing when I get throug it, this I know.


See you all there!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I missed writing my blog last week. I haven't been in the best place mentally lately, so I am not sure how positive this one will be. But it needs to be done.

This weekend I went on a mini family vacation. A cousin was getting married in Fort MacLeod, so we took a 2 day trip. I have never met any of my cousin's on my mom's side. This particular set of cousin's/ Aunt/ Uncle live in Michigan, and my cousin happened to be marrying a girl from here. I decided we had to go, as I will probably never have the chance to meet them again, and they were practically in my back yard. The last time I saw my aunt was last year, just before my mom passed away, so it was nice to see her again under better circumstances. It was an interesting trip, as my dad came with us, and the last time I went on vacation with him was 22 years ago. We did have fun though. I had a fair bit of anxiety leading up to this trip, for multiple reasons, but I came out okay. Seeing the similarities in my Aunt that I saw in my mom was hard. But it also made me appreciate the family that I do have. While my family here in Alberta is small, I also have a Kung Fu family. One I hope to cherish for a long time.

(The picture is of my aunt, uncle dad, and oldest daughter. My youngest was off being bored somewhere.)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

And we're back

To school that is. I find it hard to believe that school starts up again this week. It seems like the kids just got out of school and here we are heading back again. But it will be good to back into that routine.

I did miss kung fu this week, but it was good to be surrounded by other students while we freshened up the kwoon. Good job guys.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

That was fun

This past Wednesday, the advanced black dragons took sir class to Rotary Park as our last class before school starts up again. It was a lot of fun. They ran laps around the pond, had 3 legged races, and a few games of tug of war. It was great being out in the sun, and doing a bit of Kung fu outside.

(Sorry it isn't the best picture, but I took it with my phone against the sun).


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Not just teaching

Yesterday was the forms seminar, and I learned a lot. No, I was not a student, but an instructor. Still, there is a lot to be said about breaking a form down, and tweaking it. Everyone is different - they all learn differently, and interpret differently. One thing I learned, is that sometimes, a single word can change a perspective and to see it differently.


I was also surprised to see two of my black dragon students take part. I am so proud of everyone, but it really touched me to see them there. (Also one was a graduate of the black dragon program). They are also my "kids". It was a great time...


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Quality of Motion

Flow is not easy to teach, and finding the right tools for each student to improve is not an easy task. We all have strengths and weaknesses and the key to improving is to recognize where you are. We just got through boot camp, and are now coming up to our forms seminar. I conquered my fear of teaching a seminar at boot camp this year. I have been wanting to for a few years, but always chickened out because flow is hard to teach. Tai Chi is the best tool for that, in my opinion, but it can take years to get there. So my intent this year was first, sign up, second make a plan of sorts, and third, follow through. It was challenging, and of course I didn't follow my plan exactly but it felt like it went ok. I haven't wanted to post about teaching at boot camp, as it feels like a weakness to admit that I had incredible anxiety over it. Funny though, give me a room full of kids, and I can do anything, but give me grown ups and the fear sets in fast and furious. Oh well, it's over and I learned a lot. I do enjoy teaching at the forms seminar, however. Forms are my strength, and I feel quite confident with them. Not only do get to share my knowledge, I get to learn something from the students.


Monday, July 29, 2013

This is a tough one

I have one thing to say.....




Sunday, July 21, 2013

A smile

All I can say, is that it brought a smile to my face. Another notch for the reasons why I teach, and why I love teaching the littlest guys. One was getting promoted to purple belt yesterday and knew it because his mom planned their holiday around it. So 3/4 of the way through class, while they were all sitting in a circle with Sifu Kichko, he says " Sifu, I think you forgot to give me my purple belt". And then she told him that class wasn't over yet, so who knows what can happen. I couldn't help but smile. And then the kicker - this always happens, and I am thinking maybe we need to do a congrats cheer instead. He got his new belt, and we clapped when he got back to his spot. But clapping is how we end class after we bow out, so about half of the kids started to run to their parents. It was funny and heart warming. Gosh I love those kids!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mental Health First Aid

This week I took a 2 day Mental Health First Aid course. I got a lot out of it and do recommend it. I realized just how huge the stigma is towards mental illness, and just how much work we have ahead of us to change that.

There is an acronym that for our actions which are interchangeable but I am going to just start with the second one today. Listen Non-Judgementally. Here is a poem that we were given that hits home for me and we can use in our every day dealings.


You Are Listening To Me When

You are not listening to me when...

You do not care about me, and you cannot care about me until you know something about me to care about

You say you understand before you know me well enough

You have an answer for my problem before I have finished telling you what my problem is

You cut me off before I have finished speaking

You feel critical of my grammar, accent, culture, or way of doing and saying things

You are communicating to someone else in the room

You are dying to tell me something or want to correct me

You are trying to sort out the details and are not aware of the feelings behind the words

You sense my problem is embarrassing and you are avoiding it

You get excited and stimulated by what I am saying and want to jump right in before I invite your response

You need to feel successful

You tell me about your experience which makes mine seem unimportant

You refuse my thanks by saying you haven't done anything


You are listening to me when...

When you come quietly into my private world and let me be

You really try to understand me when I do not make sense

You grasp my point of view when it goes against your sincere conviction

You realize the hour I took from you has left you feeling a bit tired and drained

You didn't tell me the funny story you were just bursting to tell me

You allowed me the dignity of making my own decisions even though you felt I was wrong

You didn't take my problem from me but trusted me to deal with it in my own way

You gave me enough room to discover for myself why I felt upset and enough time to think for myself what was best

You held back the desire to give me good advice

You accepted my gift of gratitude by telling me it was good to know I had been helped



Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ahhh, titles...

Yesterday was a day of examining more of my Tai Chi in a different way, and also a rediscovery of what can keep little ones engaged. It was a little overwhelming to see how much more I have to learn in Tai Chi, but it's good too as I think it will help all of my Kung Fu in the long run. The discovery is hard to explain, but I see my six harmonies developing more over time through it. And if I pick a few things to work on at a time, it shouldn't be an overwhelming process.

I find teaching to be full of self discovery. You can learn a lot from teaching, and it can be as simple as assisting in a class. We are always students, and the road to mastery is a long one, but it is incredibly rewarding if you let it. I admit, it can be hard to translate your passion so that you reach all your students, but that's where we learn to adapt to their needs, and why it is wonderful to have a few instructors on hand. We all have different methods and approaches, and there isn't a single one that will reach every single student. But I think to inspire, we need to let our passion guide us, and to find fun and interesting ways to present it.

I was also thinking about leadership and what makes a good one. Sometimes, it's taking initiative and doing what needs to be done. Sometimes, it's stepping up and supporting a leader by inspiring those around us. It's looking at a person, seeing their strengths, and encouraging them to share them. A leader can be the quiet person, silently doing what needs to be done. Sometimes, it's as simple as showing up. I bring this up because I try to read all the blogs regularly and I see strengths that don't seem to be utilized. Perhaps its a matter of the student not seeing it, but leadership comes from within and we all have that potential. We just have to look inside ourselves and believe. Everyone of Silent River Kung Fu has something amazing to offer. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to come together to discover it.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

I learned something!


I learned something new again yesterday in Tai Chi. I still find it so inspiring that there is still so much to learn. I have been doing a certain sequence in Part 4 for the last 4 years, and over e past month it has only just started to feel off somehow.

So with Sifu Dennis' help, we discovered that in that part, my six harmonies were missing. Therefore the timing was off, and it just didn't flow the way it should. Now I can practice that piece mindfully and fix it.

I can't wait until I learn something else!



Monday, June 24, 2013

A reason

I'll be honest here. I am not in the most positive frame of mind right now, but I don't want to blog about anything that isn't positive. So I have put this off since yesterday, but as I sat here staring at the screen, something came to me. And of course it always spirals somewhere else...That's where blogs can be great.

I thought about a picture my youngest daughter drew for me a few months ago, and I have it in a prominent spot at my desk at work. I look at it several times a day and it just makes me smile. Every single time. Basically, it's a picture of the two of us. She used a bottle or cup or something to make perfectly round heads, and then drew the rest of us through her eyes. The best part though, is her caption. "I'm sorry for the big heads mommy." I love the innocence, and the honesty there. The head size doesn't matter to me, it's that it was drawn for me from the heart. And her caption just humbles me.

And that is one of many, many reasons why I love teaching kids. They are innocent and honest (most of the time, depending on age etc.). Saturdays are probably the best for me (it's also one that I didn't leave when my kids moved up). They have the brightest smiles, and I love hearing about their days, or the simple things that are important to them. Sometimes I even get hugs!

So that is something to keep in front of me when I am having a not so good day. (our Kung Fu babe Julia is also a highlight for me. It's been wonderful to see her grow, and to just revel in the wonder of being so small). Thank you for sharing her with us.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Where did it go?

This past year has gone by very quickly. Maybe it's just me, or perhaps I just noticed it more this time around. Regardless, I am trying to measure my steps. Where was I standing 15 months ago, and where am I now? I know I have moved forward, but there have been many times that I have gone backwards. But that's the journey right? We have to pick ourselves up when we fall, and keep moving in a forward direction. And by surrounding myself with like minded people, I have a village to help pick me up...

Sunday, June 9, 2013


" Centre" is something we refer to a lot in Kung Fu. It is where our power originates, where we are most grounded. It's something we need to continually work on in order to improve.

If my stance is not correct, then my centre is off, and my chi cannot flow. Your centre resides in your hips, in the area beneath your navel. Having our feet,/ hands, knees/ elbows, hips/shoulders aligned will define your centre.

That being said, if one of these things is off, then so is your centre. It's easy to think we are in a good stance, when in fact we are not. If something is done incorrectly enough, it'll feel right. It's also easy to blast through our forms or techniques because they feel strong, and while it may break a board, it's muscle, not technique.

We you move from one stance to another, do your hips stay low? Or do they rise? Do you fists always return to the hip or do they stray sometimes? Ae your legs aligned with what you are doing now? Or are your feet already moving on to the next technique?

Your centre can also be considered as your purpose. They why in what you are doing. Why do I train in Kung Fu? Why at Silent River Kung Fu? Do I just want to be a fighter? Do I want to improve my well being, and what I can offer my family and the world? Do I want to go home with a sense of wonder or excitement because of what I have learned today? It's easy to get discouraged when something is hard, but when you know what your purpose is, well, it should help to keep you going.



Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lu Ping An


It means "walking in peace and harmony". And the very definition of this will vary from student to student. For me, it means being peace and living in harmony with the world around me. (That includes people).


So what is "being peace"? For me, it means having peace in heart and mind, and having everything that you do, be done with peace in mind. That could be the result, or the very intention of your act.


There is so much anger in the world today and its hard to imagine how one person can change that. But if we all take "Lu Ping An" and live it, I know that we are planting the seeds of peace, and promoting harmony wherever we go.


I don't always feel peace in my heart, as I struggle with many emotions, the big one now of grief. However, with that being said, by being mindful, taking time for me, and breathing in and out, I can surround my feelings with peace. That may not make much sense, but it's hard to explain.


I guess what I am trying to say, is that if we believe in walking in peace and harmony, how can we not spread it? And it can start with the little things. Acts of kindness being a big one. How can you not put a little peace in someone's heart by doing something nice? And by treating our environment with respect and dignity, we promote harmony.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Foghorn Leghorn

No, he doesn't have anything to do with this blog, but I knew I had to start writing, and start somewhere because these things don't write themselves.

I had an "aha" moment on Fridays and I am trying to keep it in front of me. Sometimes it's difficult to remember what finally made sense unless unless you start to practice it immediately. Have I? Honestly, no. But I have been visualizing it a lot. That helps, but I need to put it into action. Right now.



Monday, May 20, 2013

Where am I? What am I doing?

It's a question Sifu Brinker has put to us many times over the years, and it's a question I have been thinking about this weekend. I have been reviewing my weaknesses and my strengths, and where I wish my Kung Fu to go. That's a hard one though, and that is where Mastery comes in. I feel torn - I know I want to keep up my knowledge in the curriculum, as I have some holes that have developed quietly over time. But I also want to master a few forms - which I feel is a strength. So do I let my curriculum stay in maintenance mode so I can aim for mastery on the few forms I love? Or do simply pick one or two forms, and a small selection of the techniques to master? Huh, I think I just answered my own dilemma. Isn't blogging great?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Know when


When it comes to anything really, but in my case my Kung Fu, it's important to know when to slow down and take a different path. I have made some bad choices in the past with injuries, and I'd like to think that I have learned at least a little. We have to train smart if we want to keep training well into our senior years.

I have chronic tendinitis in my wrists and have noticeable swelling in my left thumb right now. So the trick is to tape myself up and stop when it starts to become uncomfortable. I have had many injuries over the years, and some will stay with me for life. I have learned to adjust, and have focused on other aspects of Kung Fu.

It is easy to let our egos lead us - to tell ourselves that we feel fine, we've healed enough to go hard. However, Kung Fu is about humility. Putting our egos aside. Learning empathy.

But we also have to think about our mental health as well. While it isn't visible on the surface, it can create more challenges than a physical injury.

My point with this crazy ramble, is that we need to be aware of the state we are in, and remember to progress wisely.




Monday, April 29, 2013

Inner Peace

We had a Kung Fu Panda marathon this weekend. Well, I guess it isn't quite a marathon since there are only 2 movies, and a couple of shorts. I think it is one of my favourites though. It's cute, funny, and has a good message. A good family, feel good kind of movie and it ties in with this coming Saturday's annual Pandamonium fundraiser. 24 hours of kung fu - it doesn't get much more awesome than that!

I was thinking tonight about my journey in kung fu and how it has changed it's path over the years. And while right now, I feel my path is more spiritual than physical, it's the right one at this time and place for me. I remember being focused on my UBBT, and now seeing the I Ho Chuan guys on the same journey is inspiring. They are engaged. Making sacrifices in their efforts towards mastery. And while it can be discouraging at times, they have a wonderful team to keep them going. And sometimes it's hard to see the benefits right away, but they are there. And they will become more apparent as time goes on. Great things are accomplished when you push past mediocrity.

I'm rambling, but there are the thoughts that plague me today. I took pleasure in smelling a flower with a toddler, and marvelled at the miracle of birth. I stared at my perceived weakness, and saw a strength behind it. I kept some wise words in front of me, and felt humble.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


In our kung fu journeys we all have our challenges, as we do in the other aspects of our lives. Lately, I have come to appreciate the routine/ structure of my Kung fu life. There has been a lot of uncertainty at work, and personally I am finding this time of year difficult emotionally. There a lot of memories from this time last year that are associated with some annual events that I guess will get easier over time, however right now it's hard to stay focused on anything.

But as I mentioned, this is where my Kung fu comes in. I have a lot of support from my family and friends, but at kung fu I can lose myself for a while. I can turn most of my brain off, and just be in the moment. There's a lot to be said for that.

I feel blessed and privileged to learn Kung fu, and to be surrounded by like minded individuals.


Sunday, April 14, 2013


After the grading yesterday, I got to thinking about teaching and it's rewards. I don't think it's something that I keep in front of myself often enough. Sometimes it's frustrating, but sometimes it's absolutely fantastic. I was so proud of my students yesterday (and the ones that I haven't had the pleasure of teaching yet). To see where they started, and where they are now. Watching them demonstrate their forms and techniques is inspiring for me and reminds me that I am in the right place at the right time. It's also rewarding to know or to realize when you are making a difference. To see a student feel inspired because you took an extra few minutes to show them something. And yesterday's grading helped me after I had a not so good class in the morning. I truly appreciate being able to teach children. They give me so much. Thanks guys.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 1

Well it's been a week since we started our no junk food challenge that my daughter started us on. It hasn't been as hard as I thought so far, but I did cheat a little. There were Hershey's kisses at work, and I snuck a couple. Ad I also snuck a couple of girl guide cookies (I had ordered them before spring break, and they were supposed to be here before the break, but they came in last Thursday. How could I not have just one or two?). And my daughters have been doing pretty well too. I know they cheated a couple of times for a nibble of Easter chocolate, but again, I can't blame them. :-) They have been eating a lot of apples and pears and yogurt which is good, so I hope this sticks.




Sunday, March 31, 2013

Just say no!

Approximately 3 weeks or so ago, my youngest daughter decided to make a challenge for herself. Of course I volunteered my other daughter and myself as its better to do it together. So what is this challenge? No junk food for a month. I was impressed that a challenge such as this came out of a 10 year old, and it makes me proud because it reaffirms that we are doing something right.

It is going to be hard to go a whole month without chocolate. The rest won't be too difficult for me, but I have a weakness for chocolate and usually have a stash in my desk at work. Guess ill have to find something else to de-stress.

It's challenge also starts the day after the Easter bunny visited. However, the Easter bunny being as smart as he is, only hid a few big eggs and gave the girls each a small bunny. So what doesn't get eaten today, will be a wonderful treat on May 1st.


So as of tomorrow, the challenge is on. And if I am crabby, please note, it's due to chocolate deprivation!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break

I almost didn't blog today. I have had many things I could blog about, and I am really not sure where to go. I have been thinking lately about the things I am grateful for and it was/ is a way to keep things in perspective. My girls and I went skating today, and it was really great. It was so nice to spend time with them, and to be doing something that we don't do very often. It was great to let everything go, and just be.

On another note, actually a kung fu note, I have been working on a couple of forms and they are starting to feel better. I have had issues with my hips and the six harmonies, and lately that is starting to feel better. Far from perfect, but better.

And on a third note, it's going to feel odd this week without the Black Dragons classes. I hope the kids have a great spring break and that they are raring to go again next week.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Nerf Ninja

Yup, that's what I have become. Over the Christmas break, I started to re-learn the Tai Chi Broadsword form, but because of the chronic tendinitis, I couldn't use a "real" sword. So I borrowed one of the girls' nerf swords. Totally awesome! And yesterday, after Sifu Wetter graciously helped me dig out the Bokken form from the depths of my brain, I came home home to my nerf sword to help keep the form intact.


The key to overcoming your weaknesses or injuries, is to find another way. So I have embraced the nerf company, and have also been focusing on my hand forms.


Nerf Ninja!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Pink Shirt Day

The longer I teach the kids classes, and the more my kids grow up, the more passionate I become about bullying. I'm no expert, but it is something that I continue to educate myself about, and I try to keep a dialogue going with my students. It is something serious, and no one should have to deal with it. However, it's a reality. There's an old phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." My parents told me that, and while I know what they were trying to do, names do hurt. And nowadays, there are so many more places (public) that bullying can take place. And it isn't limited to kids either. I could go on and on, but I am not.

This Wednesday February 27, 2013 is Pink Shirt Day. It started a number of years ago in Nova Scotia, where a grade nine boy was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. So in response, his peers stood up to the bully by showing up in pink shirts also. I am attaching a link the the Pink Shirt Day website, and I encourage you to check it out. There is also a bullying website that is hosted by the Alberta Government as well that has some good information.

This Wednesday, I am going to talk to my Advanced Black Dragons, and have invited anyone from the other classes that wishes to sit in. I plan on starting our talk around 6 pm. It isn't formal, but it is something to help keep us connected. Silent River Kung Fu is a safe place, and I hope that together, we can make a difference.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

There's a blog in here somewhere

Well, I have been thinking of this blog for most of the day. Not in an every second kind of way, but it's been in the back of my mind. And really, the main thought has been, what do I write about today? I have so many things going on in my head right now, it's hard to know where to start, or where to go. Last night was amazing - I am proud to be a part of this fantastic school and surrounded by so many incredible people. I am especially proud of the kids - they all looked, well, amazing! I have been reflecting on my training, and where it is going. And now that the banquet is behind us for another 8 months or so, I can now focus on some of my other projects that have been put on hold. Just a matter of finding a starting point...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A brand new year

This year, I made each of the Lil Leopards an origami snake to bring in the new year. I left it to the last minute, and while I am not proud of that, I did manage to make enough. I would have liked to have spent more time mastering the process - and while yes, it's a paper snake, the folding is still something that takes practice.

Folding origami is something that I find meditative. A lot of the time, I will fold cranes to unwind and while I doubt I have folded 1000 over the last couple of years, I know I have folded a lot. However, I am still not as good at them as I would like. Which maybe is good, as I know I will be folding many more over the years.

This brings to mind the 100 times theory. I am not going to explain it though. If you are curious, find an instructor or fellow student and find out. It really, truly applies to everything we do in life.