Sunday, June 9, 2013


" Centre" is something we refer to a lot in Kung Fu. It is where our power originates, where we are most grounded. It's something we need to continually work on in order to improve.

If my stance is not correct, then my centre is off, and my chi cannot flow. Your centre resides in your hips, in the area beneath your navel. Having our feet,/ hands, knees/ elbows, hips/shoulders aligned will define your centre.

That being said, if one of these things is off, then so is your centre. It's easy to think we are in a good stance, when in fact we are not. If something is done incorrectly enough, it'll feel right. It's also easy to blast through our forms or techniques because they feel strong, and while it may break a board, it's muscle, not technique.

We you move from one stance to another, do your hips stay low? Or do they rise? Do you fists always return to the hip or do they stray sometimes? Ae your legs aligned with what you are doing now? Or are your feet already moving on to the next technique?

Your centre can also be considered as your purpose. They why in what you are doing. Why do I train in Kung Fu? Why at Silent River Kung Fu? Do I just want to be a fighter? Do I want to improve my well being, and what I can offer my family and the world? Do I want to go home with a sense of wonder or excitement because of what I have learned today? It's easy to get discouraged when something is hard, but when you know what your purpose is, well, it should help to keep you going.



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