Monday, May 20, 2013

Where am I? What am I doing?

It's a question Sifu Brinker has put to us many times over the years, and it's a question I have been thinking about this weekend. I have been reviewing my weaknesses and my strengths, and where I wish my Kung Fu to go. That's a hard one though, and that is where Mastery comes in. I feel torn - I know I want to keep up my knowledge in the curriculum, as I have some holes that have developed quietly over time. But I also want to master a few forms - which I feel is a strength. So do I let my curriculum stay in maintenance mode so I can aim for mastery on the few forms I love? Or do simply pick one or two forms, and a small selection of the techniques to master? Huh, I think I just answered my own dilemma. Isn't blogging great?

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