Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break

I almost didn't blog today. I have had many things I could blog about, and I am really not sure where to go. I have been thinking lately about the things I am grateful for and it was/ is a way to keep things in perspective. My girls and I went skating today, and it was really great. It was so nice to spend time with them, and to be doing something that we don't do very often. It was great to let everything go, and just be.

On another note, actually a kung fu note, I have been working on a couple of forms and they are starting to feel better. I have had issues with my hips and the six harmonies, and lately that is starting to feel better. Far from perfect, but better.

And on a third note, it's going to feel odd this week without the Black Dragons classes. I hope the kids have a great spring break and that they are raring to go again next week.

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