Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 1

Well it's been a week since we started our no junk food challenge that my daughter started us on. It hasn't been as hard as I thought so far, but I did cheat a little. There were Hershey's kisses at work, and I snuck a couple. Ad I also snuck a couple of girl guide cookies (I had ordered them before spring break, and they were supposed to be here before the break, but they came in last Thursday. How could I not have just one or two?). And my daughters have been doing pretty well too. I know they cheated a couple of times for a nibble of Easter chocolate, but again, I can't blame them. :-) They have been eating a lot of apples and pears and yogurt which is good, so I hope this sticks.




1 comment:

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

You ladies are doing great! Keep up the good work,will it help if I take some of those cookies off your hands? I'm just here to help:)