Sunday, August 11, 2013

Quality of Motion

Flow is not easy to teach, and finding the right tools for each student to improve is not an easy task. We all have strengths and weaknesses and the key to improving is to recognize where you are. We just got through boot camp, and are now coming up to our forms seminar. I conquered my fear of teaching a seminar at boot camp this year. I have been wanting to for a few years, but always chickened out because flow is hard to teach. Tai Chi is the best tool for that, in my opinion, but it can take years to get there. So my intent this year was first, sign up, second make a plan of sorts, and third, follow through. It was challenging, and of course I didn't follow my plan exactly but it felt like it went ok. I haven't wanted to post about teaching at boot camp, as it feels like a weakness to admit that I had incredible anxiety over it. Funny though, give me a room full of kids, and I can do anything, but give me grown ups and the fear sets in fast and furious. Oh well, it's over and I learned a lot. I do enjoy teaching at the forms seminar, however. Forms are my strength, and I feel quite confident with them. Not only do get to share my knowledge, I get to learn something from the students.


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