Thursday, December 28, 2017
I went for an acupuncture treatment this morning, and while I was lying there trying to relax, I noticed my thoughts and how all over the place they were. So after recognizing this, I focused on my breathing. With each breath out, I attached a mental picture. Breathing out I smiled at my heart. Breathing out I smiled in gratitude for my family. Breathing out I smiled in gratitude for being able to receive treatment. And the list went on, until finally I realized my whole body was relaxed.
I am grateful for so much. I am extremely fortunate to live where we do, to practice Kung Fu with so many like minded and amazing people. I think about the many paths I have taken over my lifetime, and how those paths have lead me here. To this moment. It’s wonderful, and I am truly grateful.
Monday, December 4, 2017
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”
- Plato
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
- Desmond Tutu
I’ve learned that the act of giving kindness, or being kind always comes back. Sometimes twofold. I’ve learned that it takes very little effort to be kind, and that world needs so much more.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Where I am at...
At our I Ho Chuan meetings, we are asked how we are doing with our requirements. Where are we at? Are we struggling, or are we doing alright?
I have debated many times about talking and explaining where I am at but was never really comfortable. I can tell you that I am not where I should be. Part of me is also reluctant to discuss my physical issues as I don’t want to complain, however it has been holding me back. I suppose it’s a twofold issue though.
The first being the lower back injury I suffered with my vehicle collision last year. Some days are worse than others, but there is stiffness and some pain. Stretching helps a little, as does massage and chiropractic. But it will hopefully just take some time to get there. It has however given me some empathy to those who suffer with back pain and will never be pain free. I guess we find ways to work around it though.
The second is I have had an affliction (?) for the last 4 years or so. It was diagnosed as Restless Leg Syndrome initially, but after seeing a different doctor I have a diagnosis that makes more sense. Fibromyalgia. I have tried a few different medications over the years, but am finally on one that is helping for the most part. Trying to keep my stress down, and am working on ways to keep the pain and discomfort to a minimum.
So where is it that I am at? All my numbers are down. It’s been challenging to practice a lot as physically I just couldn’t handle it. But I haven’t quit and I certainly haven’t given up. I am taking each day as it comes, and beginning anew each day. I have my requirements down for next year, and hopefully it will be a better one!
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Well, I survived. Actually I succeeded. Not a really big, fireworks kind of success, but a quiet subdued one and I am ok with that. And I know my performance sucked out loud, as my whole body was shaking the whole time I was out there. But that doesn’t matter. I didn’t go out there to win against anyone. I went out there to challenge my mind. And it was hard. And a big part of me just wanted to leave before my event. But I didn’t. I went out there and I sucked. But I didn’t cry, nor did I let in any negative self talk which is no easy feat either.
I am sure next year will also be a difficult tournament to enter, but do have a success to build on. A tiny one, but a success all the same.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
1 2 3 4
Sometimes it’s difficult to be in the moment, and I think for most being in the moment doesn’t really mean anything. We are not in the moment when we are rushing to the next technique in a form, just trying to get through it. We lose our 6 harmonies in the process and that means that we no longer have the skeletal authority to deliver any real power.
We are not in the moment when we stop recognizing our partners reactions, or we are anticipating our partner. We lose our intent.
We have a couple of specific moments in every class that are there to put us in the moment and to remember where we are and what we are doing. Bowing in and bowing out. Take a deep breath, calm your mind, remember our past masters. We are so fortunate to be learning Kung Fu, a traditional martial art, in Stony Plain, Alberta. Across an ocean from where it all began.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Just keep breathing
To say I have the jitters is a massive understatement. The Tiger Challenge invokes anxiety and breakdowns and I had both on Saturday at the I Ho Chuan meeting. It’s hard to put into words what the big deal is though. I just know I am able to perform in a demo, in a lion dance, and I can teach without any real issues. I talked to Sifu Brinker about it and he suggested that I find a partner to do forms with, and that seemed like that might be a possibility for me.
Fast forward to last night, when I was talking to a student and her mom. Last week, this student was devastated that she couldn’t enter the tournament with her mom as she was going to be out of town. Well, last night she told me that she was going to enter on her own. So I looked at her thought, well if she can do it with her anxiety, then I guess I need to push myself a little harder and do it too. (even though I want to hide under a blanket just thinking about it).
So on the 28th, if you see me softly singing, “just keep breathing, just keep breathing” you’ll know why.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Dear Blog
Well dear blog, where do I start? I find myself staring at you and wondering what to write. Do I write about those times when you forced me to look at where I was in my training? Or those times you helped to keep me accountable to myself? Or perhaps it’s those times that you helped me see the positives that seemed so elusive? I could also write about the days where I just stared at your blank page which held so much promise or the days where I chose. Or to write anything, letting myself down in the promise.
Anyway dear blog, I would like to give thanks to you. Thank you being there when I needed you, for challenging me to find my voice when I didn’t think I could, for waiting for me to return when I didn’t write, and for reminding me that with you as a guide, anything is possible
Sunday, October 1, 2017
My Best Self
When are we our best selves? The best that we absolutely can be? I don’t think we ever truly are, as there are ways to improve every moment, every day. However, in this moment maybe I am the best I can be. And if I continue to put 100% into every moment, then it can be said that I will improve constantly.
But I know that I can’t always put 100% in. If my body is functioning at only 75% what can I do? I can simply put 100% into that 75.
If there is a battle going on in my brain, how do I put forth 100% into the side that will pull me to the other side? Negativity is powerful, but so is positivity. It can be difficult to wade through the dark to find that sliver of light, but once you have found it, and put 100% focus in, then it will grow.
Being our best selves in every moment can be challenging and discouraging but it can also be rewarding.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Self defence
14 and a half years ago, I made a phone call that changed my life. I had called Silent River Kung Fu and asked Sifu Brinker at the time if he had any self defence classes and his answer has stuck with me.
This past week I noticed some posters at work advertising a women's self defence course - a 2 day class, 2 hours per day. And this got me thinking about what Sifu had said to me so many years ago, and what I now know to be true.
Unless I consistently practice a true martial art, I will not be equipped to defend myself. First, my muscles and mind need to practice over and over and forever so that if called upon, my body will just react. Much like an animal who just does. Second, a short self defence class will not give me any flexibility with regards to the attack. I can't tell the creep in my face to just hold still and to stand a certain way so that I can use the one move I remember. Nope. I need to be able to adapt, and only years of consistent training is going to do that.
Thirdly, self defence is more than kicking or punching. We have a higher chance of having our butts kicked through our diets or the environment than getting into a fight.
Training at Silent River Kung Fu for the last 14 and a half years has given me so much. I trust that my body will react accordingly if called upon, if I keep up with my training. I know that my body is more efficient when I eat a balanced and healthy diet. I know that I need to care about my environment because it is all we have. I have learned to respect all living things and to be kinder. I know that self defence is mostly about avoiding those bad situations in the first place. Staying clear of unlit areas, walking with a buddy, looking people I pass in the eye so they know I have seen them, and being aware of my surroundings at all times.
Thank you Sifu Brinker and to all of the Sifu's that have trained me over the years. Your experience and guidance have helped me to become the person that I am today.
Monday, August 21, 2017
I have had a few set backs physically, but really I should expect this by now. It gets frustrating but it is getting easier to remember that there is still lots that I can do. I have been working around a low back/ hip issue that doesn't seem to be resolving itself, even with chiropractic and massage. Ah well, whatever. And the tendinitis in my wrists is flaring up again, so with those two things, my forms, push ups and sit-ups have suffered.
The trick to training with injuries is to know when to back off and to resume slowly. Jumping back in on those feel good days only make it worse. It's hard to do though as training smart takes mindfulness. Next week will be an opportunity to slow down a little, rest a little, and freshen things up at the Kwoon.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
It's been 72 years...
72 years ago today, the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Approximately 140,000 people were lost to it by the end of 1945, and thousands more suffered from radiation illnesses and the stigma associated with it.
So where are we today? There are still horrific wars, there is an ever increasing threat of nuclear weapons being fired from North Korea, and we are still fighting. Why isn't there more tolerance for each other? More compassion and empathy? Why can't we celebrate our differences and find ways to live amongst each other peacefully?
More guns aren't the answer, that I know. Teaching our children to fight isn't the answer either. But teaching our children compassion and empathy is. Teaching them tolerance and confidence is. Teaching them to use their voices instead of their fists is.
As I fold my origami cranes today, I fold them for peace, and with peace in my heart.
"This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the world."
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Being grateful and thankful are two things that I have been trying to keep as a constant in my daily life. There is a lot that I take for granted, and I try to remind myself as often as I can how quickly things can change. That is where being in the moment comes in. If we stay focused on what needs to done tomorrow or the next day, we can't possibly live in the present moment.
I am also working on thinking of 3 things each morning that I am grateful for. It helps to start the day off in the right direction.
Monday, July 17, 2017
It's been a couple of weeks since I last blogged, and it isn't the first time this year either. I have no reasons, just excuses so it's all on me and the choices that I made. I make a choice every day whether to do my requirements or not, and I am the only one responsible for the outcome.
So what do I do with that? It's simple. I just have to pick up where I left off and push forward. I have to keep my expectations in check, and I need to keep re-evaluating where I am at and where I am headed. If this journey was meant to be easy, then we all be doing it, we would all be succeeding, and we would not be progressing because it wouldn't be challenging. If we didn't need to keep hitting pause to do a quick check of where we are, we could easily just coast through our lives without any feelings of accomplishment, or without completing any goals, and we would not become better people every day.
So here's a high five to everyone who has had to restart over this past year. It takes courage to restart, as it's too easy to just quit.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Kiss the earth with your feet
It's something I need to work on. Being in the moment more, walking and feeling the earth beneath my feet, noticing the warmth of the sun on my face, and just stopping every so often. I think we could all find some peace in our hearts if we just took a moment to stop, and focus on our breath throughout the day. Imagine what it might be like, if we all did that at the same time - people on the streets, kids in classrooms, people at work or at play. Just stopping, closing our eyes, breathing deeply, and smiling. That seems like a paradise to me.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Ninja name = chi-ka-to-ki-ka
At least that's what the internet tells me. Anyway, now that I have your attention...
In my opinion, there is too much apathy in the world, and not enough compassion or empathy. We all have the power within us to change the world and it starts with a single act. The smallest act can make the biggest difference, so I'm not sure why it is so difficult for so many. A simple act of kindness is all we need to do, however more importantly is being mindful of it. We tend to brush off acts of kindness, as we believe that we are already kind. Hey, I held the door open once today. That counts! But does it? They count when we are mindful and we acknowledge the moment that it occurs in. A true act of kindness lives within us, not in the pat on the back that can become expected.
Monday, June 5, 2017
5 years or part 2
How do I write this? Maybe I shouldn't. And won't. I thought this might be therapeutic however I find that I am second guessing myself. It can be hard sometimes to keep things in perspective and now I question how this relates to my I Ho Chuan. Does it? Maybe a little. And some days a lot. I suppose it encourages me to be a better person, to be more kind, but sometimes that feels like the impossible. I am not yet the person that I hope to be, and maybe I never will be. I guess though, that if everyday I am doing things to become more compassionate, more empathetic, more kind, and more responsible, then I am going in the right direction.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Part 1
I have to admit, I didn't start out yesterday with the best attitude. I just wanted to stay in bed, and not do the parade, or demo, or even teach. But as per usual, the day was far better than I imagined. And it pretty much always goes that way too. The best classes are the ones you have to drag yourself to, and are the ones that remind you of why you do it in the first place. It's the same with parades and demos. I was eating humble pie yesterday. A big thanks to all who made the day awesome, and to those who couldn't enjoy the day with us. You all make this journey worthwhile. Yesterday was a good day.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Another one down
I really enjoyed the Pandamonium this past weekend, although it seemed quieter than past years. However it was full of friends, lion and dragon dances, food, good conversation, a celebration of 30 years in Stony Plain, and of course, lots of Kung Fu!
We had representatives from 3 of our charities: Northern Lights Wolf Centre, Children's Ability Fund, and SCARS. It was great to have them there again this year and it helps to keep us present with our training. Everyday we learn empathy and compassion through our Kung Fu training. We learn to walk in peace and harmony in the world around us. We change the world.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
This past weekend was nice to unwind and get some things done at home. I came to a realization though that I am not cut out to be an avid gardener, at least not yet anyway. I am good with just sticking to potted plants and not traditional gardens. Why you ask?
Well, it's embarrassing but it is what it is. I cannot handle what lives in the soil. I I understand their role and respect them, but I get seriously icked out as soon as the worms, beetles, spiders, and other like things are suddenly in front of me. I have a lot of respect for those people that have no issues with the garden inhabitants. I applaud you!
What does this have to do with Kung Fu? It's that Kung Fu has given me the ability to recognize my weaknesses and gives me strength to improve on them. I will always have something to work on, and it isn't always just physical. My mental game completely affects my physical game. And sometimes it's the opposite.
And on that note, I planted the garden. I pushed through and saw it to the end. And man did that feel good.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Well, so far
Well, right now, I feel like I am so far behind that I might be moving forwards. I didn't blog last week, and was close to missing this week. I also am way behind on reading blogs, which I am currently catching up on. Slowly.
The month of May has come so fast, I don't feel like I am ready. But what do we do when that happens? We dive right in! Here's to being kind. This month, and always.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
I am a slice of bread...
Or maybe just a slab of meat. (Points for the reference in the title). I will forever and always be a student. A slab of meat, or a ball of dough just waiting to be moulded into something recognizable. At any rate, it's important to keep an open mind (so that we are malleable) so we can learn, and relearn things and then make them awesome someday.
I am a work in progress, and I try to keep my mind open as there are wonderful things to learn everyday. It's hard sometimes though, because I don't always remember where I am or what I am doing. Sometimes I just go through the motions, and then eventually I remember and I can learn.
Sometimes though, the reminder is in the small acts of kindness, like this picture from a student. Things like this can bring a person out for a glimpse of what is still there but maybe we couldn't see at the time. In our own unique ways, we touch lives. We may not know that we make a difference, but I hope that we can all strive to make a positive one everyday.
Our Kind-Act-a-Thon starts tomorrow and culminates with the Pandamonium on the 27th. Let's make a difference.
Monday, April 17, 2017
It's time to make some adjustments to my training again. And I guess to teaching as well. Sometimes we have to deal with injuries, visible or not, and they force us to reevaluate and readjust our approach. I see these as positives, although I admit not always. Kung Fu is more than just our physical ability to throw punches or kicks. It's more than the physical attributes we develop. Kung Fu teaches us self defence beyond this; environmental self defence, dietary self defence are a couple.
Having an injury puts us in a place where we can reconnect with the world around us, delve more deeply into our mental health in order to heal. And it allows us the opportunity to explore the non physical side of Kung Fu.
"Lu Ping An". Walking in Peace and Harmony. I now have the perfect opportunity to explore this and what it means to me.
Monday, April 10, 2017
What's happening?
I read an article today that both breaks my heart and angers me. And makes me feel helpless, and want to do something at the same time. I want to believe that I am dreaming, that mankind can't possibly be this cruel and let this happen. But yet I'm not dreaming. I feel like I am living in a world that is falling apart. And what is left behind for my kids? For their kids?
The U.S. president just passed in a law in Alaska, allowing people to kill hibernating bears. Hibernating bears! They're sleeping for goodness sakes! You can lure them out with food and shoot them at point blank range. You can trap wolves while they are in their dens with their cubs. And this is all legal. How is this right? People can have zero compassion and kill them simply because they are considered predators? Guess what? We need predators. They are the ones that keep our ecosystem in check, and the whole circle of life going.
The mentality seems to be that they are causing problems, wandering into our towns and putting us at risk. Well, we are the ones taking away their natural habitats. We are destroying their homes. Where else can they go?
Who gives us the right to be so irresponsible? Who stands for these helpless bears and wolves? I'm sorry. Well, maybe not. It really upsets me to see this happen. It upsets me and angers me that this man is allowed to make decisions that will impact our future.
We need bears. We need wolves. We need trees, and clean water. We need to stop worrying about how many "things" we have and start worrying about the destruction we leave in our wake. We need to stop, and reflect, and understand and respect our vast ecosystems. This earth is what allows us to live. It's time we take responsibility.
And that's my rant.
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Hug rhymes with Grug
I had a conversation yesterday about hugs and how some people can give them with ease and others hesitate. I am one of those people who hesitate. I hug my family without abandon, and probably because they don't have a choice. I love them and this is one way that I show them. I will hug my friends but I am never the one to initiate that first one. I worry about how it will be received as I know that some don't like much touch and have larger personal bubbles. I guess it's the rejection that I fear. That my touch is unwelcome and therefore so am I. Silly right?
Hugging makes me think of my mom. She would hug anyone and without any hesitation. She didn't concern herself with what others may think or what that possible rejection might feel like. She hugged with her whole being, and her heart shone through. I know I am not my mom, but she is a part of me. And I hope that this year I can put myself out there more. To just give a hug without the worry behind it.
That actually makes me think of the kids that I am privileged to teach. They give hugs for free, hugs just because, and hugs because they are happy. They have this light in them and to see it spill out is amazing.
Hugs give comfort, they express caring and love, they support and they have the power to heal. I think the world needs more hugs. I know it wouldn't necessarily solve anything, but it would put more peace in our hearts. And we all need some of that.
On a side, I was walking with my daughter in the river valley last week, and some taped this note on a broken water fountain. I thought it was a great act of kindness...
Monday, March 27, 2017
Can you smell it?
I think that change is one the things in life that you can count on. The weather changes, our jobs tend to change over time, our routines change, our views change, how we handle it all changes too.
Change can be stressful or exciting. It can be the fear of the unknown, or the excitement of a new adventure. Change happens in our training all the time too. We get injured, or we get sick, so our training has to adjust to meet our new needs. We go on holidays or away for work so our routines need to adjust. One of the most important things that Kung Fu has taught me, is that while change is imminent, my reaction is what determines the outcome. My approach, and my attitude make the difference. I have learned to roll with things more, and to adapt.
I have learned to take a deep breath and to seek out the positives in change. Yes, I still stress over things I cannot always control, but I am still learning. Just keep breathing, just keep breathing....
Monday, March 13, 2017
Insert title here...
How do you measure success? Is it through awards, or being told you've succeeded in front of many people? Is it by the increase in your pay, or the stress that comes with a promotion? Maybe it's through the smiles when the task is done, or the hug that says well done? Or maybe it's as simple as looking in the mirror at the end of the day and knowing you made it through another one? It's different for everyone of course, and there are many ways to measure. Success is making cookies without burning them, getting through a speech without stumbling, earning another stripe on your belt.
We can have many successes in a day without realizing it. But I think it's a matter of perspective and how you define success. It's accomplishing something regardless of the size of the task or how long it took to complete. And it's not quitting when you really want to.
Thank you for all the blogs to read. Each one was a shining success.. why? Because you wrote it.
Monday, March 6, 2017
Where are my feet?
So this past week I was pretty laid up with my low back/hip. Leftovers from my accident last summer, so needless to say, my physical numbers took a bit of a hit. It reminds me of how important it is to build in a buffer so that it doesn't set us too far back when we get sick or injured. I have had some massage and chiropractic work so I am moving again and can actually reach my feet without too much trouble. So things are improving...
Throughout our journey, it is inevitable that we are going to have setbacks of some sort along the way. Physical, mental, or a combination of the two. But it's important to remember that these are the catalysts for growth. It can be extremely difficult to push through these times, but as we do and we find strength in those around us to continue we will find that we grow. We find different ways of doing things, or ways of letting go. We become better for our efforts.
We have each other, but more importantly, we have the whole school behind us. My support doesn't just come from the I Ho Chuan team. It's from the students I train with, the students I have the privilege of teaching, and my instructors. It can also be difficult to find our way when we are no longer on the team. I know that I noticed that last year. Your focus changes, and without the set goals and the team it can be hard to find your purpose.
For that reason, I hope that each one of us can connect with another student that is not on the team and find a way to inspire each other.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Where our efforts go...
The below was posted on the SCARS website and reminds me of how easy it is to make a difference. I have not personally adopted from SCARS, but both of my cats are rescues.
I appreciate the efforts of this charity and the good that they do. Neutering, feeding, fostering, educating and adopting out animals is so very important. They connect lonely and loving animals to people and families that have a lot to offer. I am proud of the students at Silent River Kung Fu for raising awareness and funds for a charity such as this one.
Please join us in thanking the Silent River’s Kung Fu Benevolent Foundation. SCARS Volunteer, Amanda Foster, gave a short presentation about SCARS and accepted a donation of $3,000 at their annual banquet in late January. The Foundation has been extremely generous to SCARS over many years. Every year they host a banquet for their students to celebrate Chinese New Year and to award donations to the charitable organizations they support.
The Silent River Benevolent Foundation focuses on raising public awareness of global issues through the Chinese Lion Dance and various projects. They believe in teaching children strong values through their charitable projects and initiatives that improve lives locally and globally. They are based in Stony Plain, Spruce Grove, Onoway, Parkland County, and Lac Ste. Anne County.
Those benefitting from their annual fundraising efforts include: Kidsport Parkland, the Northern Lights Wolf Centre, the Children’s Ability Fund, Atsikana Pa Ulendo – Malawi Girls on the Move, Second Chance Animal Rescue Society, the Tiger Temple (Thailand), the homeless of Kathmandu, the Town of Onoway Fire Department, the Onoway Public Library, and local students and schools through our Annual Scholarship.
We are very grateful to be included as one of the charities they support.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Forever a student
I know that when I started Kung Fu, I didn't think I would always be a student. As a white belt, I did believe that black belt was the end. But with each passing day, I am reminded of how much I don't know. Every class I teach, how much more there is to learn is reinforced.
Everything I practice brings new questions on my journey. Everyone I practice with has something to teach me. Every student has something valuable to offer.
I have been a student since 2003 and yet, my knowledge is incredibly limited. However, I find it very exciting to know that I will never stop learning, as long as I never stop doing.
How cool is that?
Monday, February 13, 2017
An act of kindness in this seemingly angry world
I was reading the news today and was touched by this story. I'll paraphrase and the gist is this. A late evening Air Canada flight from St. John's was turned back to its departing airport due to weather conditions, and essentially left its passengers stuck in the airport. All airport restaurants were closed of course and they were told that there wasn't anything that could be done. So along comes a pilot from a rival airline, who went and ordered pizza and had it delivered so the passengers could at least eat.
This was a nice reminder that it doesn't matter what the situation is, there is always room to be kind. It isn't about making headlines, but simply the kind thing to do. He saw an opportunity to help some people out and did. I really appreciate our acts of kindness requirements as they serve to keep us in the moment, and in turn we become better people. There is so much to get from giving, and it's these little things that can bring about change.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
A glass of milk
Well, this week so far has been less than optimal as far as training goes. 3 migraines in 4 days kinda takes the wind out your sails. But that is part of the journey right? Ups and downs will always be present, but it's how we handle them that makes the difference. Do you quit when it gets hard? Or do you just forge ahead and find your way again?
A journey like the I Ho Chuan is something that defines a person, whether or not they complete their goals. Each day brings a new challenge to fit in your requirements while the unknown is before us. We never truly know what each day will bring. However, if you keep forging ahead, take your trials as new tools to carry on, you will be a better person when you go to bed, than when you got up.
Here's hoping for a headache free day tomorrow, so that I may fully seize it!
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Here we go
Well, it's the year of the rooster, and it hasn't quite settled in yet for me. I should be off to a running start right? Wrong. I am not quite there yet.
Saturday was a great day! Congrats to the new black belts, the black belts who were promoted and all the other award winners. You guys all set a great example for us to follow. It was a really great day with lots of comraderie and it reminded me of why I train at Silent River Kung Fu. No matter how different we might be, we are all on the same journey, albeit different paths to get there. I can't wait for this next year and all it has to offer.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Blog day
It's amazing how fast time flies by. It feels like I blogged yesterday and this past year feels like it flew by. Is it because I wasn't on the team that it's gone so fast? Maybe it's because so much happened this past year, that it feels this way.
So far, this year hasn't started off too well, with illness and injury, but I am hoping that it is now out of the way and the next year will be better. We go out big this coming Saturday and then we get to start anew. I hope to be in the moment as much as I can this weekend and I hope to for always.
Time goes fast, and if we aren't mindful then moments are lost. We never know what each day bring, but I think that by trying to be in the moment, each day will be richer. I want to practice being grateful for what I have, and who I get to share my experiences with. I plan to cultivate peace within me so that I can cultivate it around me. I hope to make a difference, no matter how small, every day.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Swirling thoughts
I'm struggling to really know where to start as my thoughts seem to be all over the place.
Last Saturday was considered the "dead of winter" so that means we have more winter behind us now than we do in front. I was so glad to hear that, plus the warmer weather this week has been a nice reprieve. Obviously winter is not my favorite season. However, I do always look forward to Chinese New Year and the excitement that comes with it. It is a highlight during the colder, darker months.
I have been flip flopping on my weapon for this next year. What to do, what to do. I want to do so much, but I have to be mindful of my wrists. So as of January 28, I will have made my very late choice. Shame on me.
On a mom note, my baby girl suffered a concussion today. It's not major, but it's still an injury we have to take special care for. I have a lot of empathy for those that suffer injuries, and am also so inspired by their journeys to recovery and beyond. High fives to all of you!
I think that's it for today. At least it's all I can pull out of my head for now.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Floating in space
This past week I had the opportunity to go to a sensory deprivation tank. I had no idea what it would be like or how my brain would react, but we did ok. I didn't get to a meditative state, but I was able to let a lot of thoughts go. It was an interesting sensation, having no sound and very little light(you can choose your light levels). I hope to do this again, so that perhaps I can shut my brain down a little more.
New Years has always held a tradition for us, in making a Dutch treat that you only make this one day a year. However, we haven't made any since my mom passed, as it was something that her and my dad did together. But this year, 5 years later, dad and I are making them together. It's the start of a new tradition, and it was the right time.
This new year is one I am looking forward to. There will be much beginning anew.
Happy New Year!