Monday, April 17, 2017


It's time to make some adjustments to my training again. And I guess to teaching as well. Sometimes we have to deal with injuries, visible or not, and they force us to reevaluate and readjust our approach. I see these as positives, although I admit not always. Kung Fu is more than just our physical ability to throw punches or kicks. It's more than the physical attributes we develop. Kung Fu teaches us self defence beyond this; environmental self defence, dietary self defence are a couple.

Having an injury puts us in a place where we can reconnect with the world around us, delve more deeply into our mental health in order to heal. And it allows us the opportunity to explore the non physical side of Kung Fu.

"Lu Ping An". Walking in Peace and Harmony. I now have the perfect opportunity to explore this and what it means to me.

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