Monday, September 11, 2017

Self defence

14 and a half years ago, I made a phone call that changed my life. I had called Silent River Kung Fu and asked Sifu Brinker at the time if he had any self defence classes and his answer has stuck with me.

This past week I noticed some posters at work advertising a women's self defence course - a 2 day class, 2 hours per day. And this got me thinking about what Sifu had said to me so many years ago, and what I now know to be true.

Unless I consistently practice a true martial art, I will not be equipped to defend myself. First, my muscles and mind need to practice over and over and forever so that if called upon, my body will just react. Much like an animal who just does. Second, a short self defence class will not give me any flexibility with regards to the attack. I can't tell the creep in my face to just hold still and to stand a certain way so that I can use the one move I remember. Nope. I need to be able to adapt, and only years of consistent training is going to do that.

Thirdly, self defence is more than kicking or punching. We have a higher chance of having our butts kicked through our diets or the environment than getting into a fight.

Training at Silent River Kung Fu for the last 14 and a half years has given me so much. I trust that my body will react accordingly if called upon, if I keep up with my training. I know that my body is more efficient when I eat a balanced and healthy diet. I know that I need to care about my environment because it is all we have. I have learned to respect all living things and to be kinder. I know that self defence is mostly about avoiding those bad situations in the first place. Staying clear of unlit areas, walking with a buddy, looking people I pass in the eye so they know I have seen them, and being aware of my surroundings at all times.

Thank you Sifu Brinker and to all of the Sifu's that have trained me over the years. Your experience and guidance have helped me to become the person that I am today.


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