Monday, February 13, 2017

An act of kindness in this seemingly angry world

I was reading the news today and was touched by this story. I'll paraphrase and the gist is this. A late evening Air Canada flight from St. John's was turned back to its departing airport due to weather conditions, and essentially left its passengers stuck in the airport. All airport restaurants were closed of course and they were told that there wasn't anything that could be done. So along comes a pilot from a rival airline, who went and ordered pizza and had it delivered so the passengers could at least eat.

This was a nice reminder that it doesn't matter what the situation is, there is always room to be kind. It isn't about making headlines, but simply the kind thing to do. He saw an opportunity to help some people out and did. I really appreciate our acts of kindness requirements as they serve to keep us in the moment, and in turn we become better people. There is so much to get from giving, and it's these little things that can bring about change.

1 comment:

Kevin Lindstrom said...

I read the same story and thought that guy was awesome.