Monday, March 6, 2017

Where are my feet?

So this past week I was pretty laid up with my low back/hip. Leftovers from my accident last summer, so needless to say, my physical numbers took a bit of a hit. It reminds me of how important it is to build in a buffer so that it doesn't set us too far back when we get sick or injured. I have had some massage and chiropractic work so I am moving again and can actually reach my feet without too much trouble. So things are improving...

Throughout our journey, it is inevitable that we are going to have setbacks of some sort along the way. Physical, mental, or a combination of the two. But it's important to remember that these are the catalysts for growth. It can be extremely difficult to push through these times, but as we do and we find strength in those around us to continue we will find that we grow. We find different ways of doing things, or ways of letting go. We become better for our efforts.

We have each other, but more importantly, we have the whole school behind us. My support doesn't just come from the I Ho Chuan team. It's from the students I train with, the students I have the privilege of teaching, and my instructors. It can also be difficult to find our way when we are no longer on the team. I know that I noticed that last year. Your focus changes, and without the set goals and the team it can be hard to find your purpose.

For that reason, I hope that each one of us can connect with another student that is not on the team and find a way to inspire each other.

1 comment:

Kevin Lindstrom said...

It is a big family that are there to support each other is how I feel about Silent River Kung Fu.