Monday, December 26, 2016


Sometimes these blogs are difficult to write. Not because I don't have any thoughts or ideas, it simply that I cannot put them into words.

It's been a year of wonderful things, and of challenging things. But the biggest lesson that I continue to learn is that the outcome depends so much on how you choose to react and adapt. A situation changes dramatically when you approach calmly, or with humour.

My training took a bit of a hit this year, however I am still moving forwards and making some goals for next year. Here's to each brand new day!



Sunday, December 11, 2016

Something new

This past week has been good, and so far this brand new one is looking good too. Today we tried a few new things, one of which was ax throwing. It was more fun than expected, and great family time. Plus, it wasn't as hard on my wrists as I had expected.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to get back in a lion. It's a temporary position, but it's been a while and it was a lot of fun. And a good workout.

I get excited at this time of year, as we gear up for the Chinese New Year, and all of what the preparations entail. Everyone is training hard and having fun at the same time. It's a great feeling to be surrounded by so many with the same goals.

On a side note, my oldest turned 16 this week. They grow so fast. Happy Birthday baby girl!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Am I in or out?

I realized yesterday that I miss the I Ho Chuan. I miss being a part of the demos, and working hard with everyone. Watching the practice yesterday though, had me questioning myself and my strengths. I see so many with so much to offer, and it got me wondering what I bring. Or what I could bring.

But does that really matter? I am forever a student, and that in itself is a wonderful thing. Being in a place and time where I can learn every day without fear. The only obstacle that prevents me from learning is myself. So what am I doing? I talked a little with Sifu Brinker yesterday about maybe joining the team next year, and I was excited. But then I started to think about my weapon, and my limitations and that had me doubting myself. However, the more I think about it, the sillier my doubt is. I just have to do my best everyday. As long as I am always striving to better today than yesterday, then I have already come out ahead.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It's out there.

Right now I am feeling motivated and inspired. I am eager to train more, to learn some more, and live Kung Fu more.


I had the opportunity to walk in a very old forest, and the energy I felt was incredible. It was a very grounding experience and one that I will never forget. The week I was off was a good way to reset, and recharge. While the world seems to be in a tumultuous state, I am trying to focus on approaching each day with positivity and with peace in my heart. We can make positive change in the world around us, and it doesn't have to be on a large scale.


I read about some kindness in Toronto today. A man got on the subway, obviously very stressed out. Someone asked him if he was ok, to which he replied he had a headache and was late for a job interview. One person offered a pain killer, another offered her child's juice box to take it, another person gave him a hair elastic to tie his hair back and they all gave him a pep talk to get through his day. I love reading stories like this as it renews my hope in humanity. Kindness is out there.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Today is a new day. Everyday I wake up, I am blessed with 24 new hours, that are open to endless possibilities.

Today, I wake up knowing that I have my amazing family beside me. They keep me going, they keep me laughing, they keep me full of love.

Today, I wake up knowing I have an amazing opportunity to train in kung fu with some wonderful people.

Everyday, I wake up anew. I might get stressed. I might feel frantic. I might feel dark. But, I am blessed. My best friend walks beside me, my family is always close.

Life is good.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Team

The Tiger Challenge was inspiring. I learn so much from watching all of the students and black belts compete. You can see all of the hard work that has been put into it, and I hope that all of the competitors feel proud of their accomplishments. It doesn't matter if you placed or not, as you have taken another big step in your training. Nicely done!


I have definitely felt the difference in not being on the I Ho Chuan team this year, as some of my goals have not seen enough of my attention. I still have goals, and I will still work on them, but it's a different accountability. As an instructor, I am accountable to my students, their parents, and my fellow black belts. However, without a team beside you, it becomes a different journey.


I am still moving forward, albeit slowly. Injuries have a tendency to do that and I am not 100% yet. But I am moving forward.

Sunday, October 23, 2016


I was thinking this week about teaching and the intricacies of it. I have been teaching for a long time, but it was the same two kids classes. Over the summer, I changed my schedule and left the Advanced Black Dragons for the Tiny Tigers and the Beginner and Intermediate Black Dragons. It was a big change, and I am still feeling the effects.

Teaching the Advanced kids had some specific expectations that developed over time, and I had a pretty good feel for how to accomplish them. However now, I feel like a total newbie when it comes to teaching. I think I have found my rhythm with the Tiny Tigers, but am still struggling with the Black Dragons.

It is an enjoyable challenge though. I have had to go back to the basics, and learn how to teach them. And I have realized that there is a lot that I have taken for granted over the years. It is exciting because I am always learning. And that is truly awesome.

Sunday, October 9, 2016



If anyone has noticed my car, they will have seen my bumper stickers. They all have meaning to me, but there is one that I hesitated for a while before I chose to put it on anyway.

It's one that I hope will encourage conversations about mental illness. My dad saw it an agreed that depression lies. However I didn't think he really understood and so I explained it to him. Depression will tell you that you are hopeless, worthless, and that you can't do anything. It will discourage you every chance it can get. But IT LIES. Because you are worth it, and you aren't hopeless and you CAN do anything you set out to do.

I have a couple of books by Jenny Lawson, and they have really resonated with me. I bought my bumper sticker through her online shop (and a some other cool stuff) because challenging this stigma is important. I am personally affected by mental illness, but it doesn't define who we are. Yes we may seem awkward or fragile sometimes, but we all have something amazing to offer. Sometimes, it is hard to see, and the battle will continue. We are all amazing and we need to celebrate that.


(My first blog was better, but I had a moment and accidentally deleted it. But my point is still the same.)


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Humble pie

This past week both humbled me and made me proud. Two of our young students, an orange belt in the intermediate black dragons, and her little sister in the lil leopards class, both cut off their long locks and donated them. The girls recognized the difference they would make to other kids who are without hair due to medical reasons, and they did so with open hearts.


We can learn a lot from an act such as this, as it changes the lives of the kids they help. These two girls have demonstrated empathy and compassion at a young age, and that gives me so much hope for our future. Changing one life, can change the lives of so many more.


This isn't the first time I have seen this type of empathy in our students, particularly the younger ones. Many forgo birthday gifts for donations to charities instead. How many kids do you know that would do that? It puts a smile on my face and in my heart knowing that these young people are changing the world as we speak. One act at a time.


Way to go girls!!

Sunday, August 21, 2016


I have had my share of injuries throughout my Kung Fu training, and I am relatively used to making adjustments to my training to compensate. However, I am finding the injuries from the accident harder to work past. On one hand, they don't seem like big injuries to me, but they are bigger than I give them credit for. It's been a month, but I still struggle with my neck and shoulders, which has increased the frequency of migraines. And there's my lower back, which has contributed to being more stiff and sore all the time.


I know that I will get better. The hardest part is training smart and keeping things in perspective. I have good days where I end up pushing too hard, and then of course the consequences after. I know that this is part of the journey, and it will ultimately make me stronger. I have learned some empathy towards those who suffer from chronic back pain and empathy for those that have way bigger challenges to face. This too shall pass.


On another note, I had to post this picture of a sign in Spruce Grove. It speaks to me...


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Cuddles required

Today, my daughter and I stepped out of our comfort zone to share some love. We started our journey volunteering at the Edmonton Humane Society. There is a lot to do there, but for now we are helping out with the cats. More specifically the cats that are not yet ready to be adopted out. They spend a lot of time in a cage and need socializing and stretching and cuddles.

It saddens me a little as there are many cats and most of them grown ups. I know that most people want a kitten or a puppy but there is a lot to be said for an older cat or dog. They are usually more laid back and have just as much or more love to give. I wonder why people surrender their animals, and hope that it's not because they grew tired of them.

Anyway, this is an endeavour that will soothe our souls and theirs. It will bring us some calm in our crazy lives, and ease some anxiety. It will give these cats some much needed love and attention and will help with their socializing so they can be adopted out. It's a win win.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The weekend was good but....

I got to spend a lot of time with my family this weekend, and it was absolutely wonderful. But it took a turn for the worse after we were rear ended on our way home after roller blading in the river valley today.

I am so grateful for the car that I have. It kept us all safe, although my youngest probably has whiplash judging from the pain and stiffness she feels and tomorrow we will confirm it with the Doctor. But it was very emotional for us all. I believe the driver was distracted as we had been at a stop for a good 20 seconds or so, although I think he tried to avoid us at the last second.

What broke my heart the most though was how difficult it was for my girls to get back in a car afterwards. Coming home was really hard for them, and it took all I had to try to keep them distracted.

So what does this have to do with Kung Fu? It relates to my ability to stay calm in a situation that required me to calmly asses and handle a scary situation for my kids. It allowed me to stay calm while I dealt with the other driver, as well as the fire department and the police.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Just rambling

It's been a stressful 2 weeks for me, but mostly it was self induced. Trying out a few new things at work that are way out of my comfort zone, and then applying for and interviewing for a job I don't really even want. Why I do these things to myself I am not even sure. But in general, pushing myself beyond my comfort level allows me to grow and it also is a good example for my girls, who suffer from anxiety and need that encouragement.

There are a few things in Kung Fu that are uncomfortable for me, but I keep trying. And I keep trying because I know there is value. I also know that I doubt myself more than I should and that I should celebrate all of the little successes, but it's hard sometimes.

Anyway, it's been a long couple of weeks, but I am still moving forward and learning constantly as I go. And I have had a few wonderful moments during this time that I treasure.

Just breathe.

Just be.


Sunday, June 26, 2016


Change happens. I made a mindful choice to switch the days I teach and the classes I am teaching. It wasn't an easy choice though, and I am still finding my way with the new schedule.

I am learning a lot however. I am going back to the basics and that has been so good for me. As is the new perspective that I have. I am finding a rhythm with the kids and am slowly learning all their names. For me that is always a hard thing to do. I am great with faces, but less so with names. But it'll come with time.

Change isn't always a bad thing, even though it may be daunting.

Monday, June 13, 2016


Bullying isn't just for kids; it happens to adults too. So why does this happen? Generally speaking, bullies treat others poorly in order to feel better themselves. They need a sense of power over another person. It can be a learned behaviour, if they are bullied or witness it at home. By making someone feel less than you, you are attempting to put yourself in a better light.

Bullies attack physically and mentally, and now with social media have a scary outlet online. Online, it spreads like wildfire and there isn't any way to take it back.

Physical bullying is obvious. Pushing, shoving, beating someone up. Taking or damaging their things. Exclusion can also be seen as bullying. Not including someone in activities, and purposely avoiding them.

Mental bullying is a little different but the results are the same. Calling someone names, yelling at them and telling them things to make them feel bad about themselves. It can also be belittling behaviour where a person is called out in a negative way in front of other people.

Then of course, there is cyber bullying. Social media is a beast for this. A single click of a button can spread vexatious and mean, hurtful things in an instant. These posts are recycled over and over, and are next to impossible to stop. It takes one person only a few seconds to do major damage.

So what do we do?

Confidence. When we can walk with confidence, our heads held high, we naturally discourage bullies. They do not want to engage someone who will be difficult to intimidate. How do you get confidence? Some people naturally have more confidence, and don't have to work at it. For those of us without, we need to work at it. Martial arts play a huge part in gaining confidence. Many small achievements that add up to big things create feeling of accomplishment and I "can do" attitude. And the more you accomplish, the more self confidence you will gain. Of course, these small accomplishments require consistent practice. But the results don't take long to see. As you gain confidence, it is possible to look a bully in the eye, which instantly discourages them.

Another thing is not to be alone. When you can be singled out, your chances of being bullied are higher. So, stay with a friend. Educate yourself and talk about it often. Talk with your friends, with your parents and other adults you trust.

Tell a bully to stop. Stay calm and try not to show you are upset. Try to respond to the person bullying you without anger. Anger can make things worse. If you are in a position that prevents you from telling them yourself, then you need to tell someone who can. Bullying can have a lifelong effect, and the damage it causes can be very difficult to overcome. There are many deaths by suicide due to bullying, so it is a very, very serious matter.

Stand up for each other. Bullying is never ok. Be aware of what you post on social media. It might seem funny, but it could really hurt someone and you can NEVER take that back. It might seem innocent, but to someone else it won't be. Be careful with what you share. It can come back to bite you. The thing with bullying is that it can have lasting effects.


Sunday, June 5, 2016


Yesterday was an off day for me. Yesterday was a day that being alone wasn't a good thing, so I was really grateful to be a part of the parade and the lion dance for the demo. It's difficult to be in the moment when my mind is not settled. Unfortunately, while I was a part of our community I wasn't present enough to truly enjoy it nor to truly appreciate my Kung Fu family.

Therefore today, I want to let you all know that I do appreciate all that you do for our school, for each other, and for our community. You are all truly an amazing group of people who accomplish great things every day. We can be strong as individuals but as a group, we can move mountains.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

To Meditate

To meditate does not mean to fight with a problem.

To meditate means to observe.

Your smile proves it.

It proves that you are being gentle with yourself,

that the sun of awareness is shining in you,

that you have control of your situation.

You are yourself,

and you have acquired some peace.

- Thich Nhat Hanh -

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Perseverance and Practice

Perseverance can get you far. We know this right? If you don't quit you can't fail. Mindful and consistent practice will help you grow and succeed.

My oldest daughter proved this yesterday. She has been drawing for years, and spends hours on her days off from school drawing. Many are just on paper, and the rest start on paper and end up digitally. She entered the Allied Art Gallery's High School Art show a few weeks ago, and yesterday came in third for her grade. I think it's nothing short of amazing as it was up against a couple of high schools. (Yes, I am bragging).

Her accomplishment got me thinking about Kung Fu and the I Ho Chuan. If we dedicate ourselves to mindful practice on a consistent basis, there is really no stopping us. Yes, there are always obstacles that will test our patience, our courage, and make us question our ability. Our brains get in the way, and sometimes all we see are the obstacles yet the path is right there in plain sight. But we can do anything that we set our minds too.

And the bonus I see about Kung Fu, and maybe more so Silent River, is that we are surrounded by likeminded people on the same journey. Different paths, but the same journey. We are surrounded by people who have faced the same obstacles, and have overcome them. We have support from both students and instructors alike. If you look, there is always a hand reaching out to hold onto. It's an individual journey but we are never alone.

I feel very fortunate to be training at Silent River Kung Fu, and to be surrounded by so many amazing people.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thankful to be a mom

I am thankful. I have been blessed with two amazing daughters. I am thankful for the opportunity to have watched them grow into the young ladies that they are, and I am looking forward to see who they become.

They demonstrate compassion and empathy all the time, even though they may be struggling at the time. They have taught me what it means to love unconditionally and remind me to be a better person today than I was yesterday.

Today, I watched them let go of any inhibitions and just be themselves. Their smiles were joy. Their laughter was contagious. They were completely in the moment, and as teenagers that can be hard to do. They teach me what it means to be a good mom every day. How to listen without judging, how to accept my own shortcomings, how a hug can make things bearable.

I am thankful to be a mom. And I miss mine. I don't think I am as good of a mom as she was yet, but I am striving to get there.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

200,000 push-ups

I read an article on CBC about a 65 year old in PEI who has completed 200,000 push-ups this past year.

I think that's incredible. I thought 50,000 was a lot. It inspires me though, as it reinforces the fact that we can do anything if we set a goal, have a plan and take consistent action.

The black belt success cycle is really the key to accomplishing everything. If you don't have a specific goal, you won't have anything to aim for. Without a plan (and a success coach) you won't have any idea how to get to your goal. It will forever stay in the distance. And then most important is to take consistent action. An all or nothing approach will die out fast. The plan needs to be broken into manageable pieces so that it's easy to stay consistent. Then of course reviewing your progress and your goal along the way keeps you aware of how things are really going. There will be adjustments that will need to be made in order to stay consistent and to keep working towards your goal which may or may not have changed as you evolved over your journey.

Anything is possible if we don't settle for mediocrity.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Sparring and Earth Day.

I had the opportunity to spar with the advanced black dragons yesterday and I really enjoyed it. It's such a different perspective and gave me a lot to think about. I have never enjoyed sparring, and am not sure I ever will as it gives me a lot of anxiety and stress. However, yesterday felt really good. And the kids are improving all of the time.

I have also been marvelling at the onset of spring. This year I seem to be noticing the gradual increase in green around me. The grass is turning, and the trees are budding. Terrible for all the allergy sufferers though. This brings me to earth day on Friday and our spring clean up at the school and the clean up at Rotary Park on Saturday. It's time to connect by picking up trash, and appreciating the gifts we receive from the earth. Air from the trees, which also provide homes for many. I am thankful for the land we have that provides food, and access to clean water. I hope that by taking time out this weekend, and then carrying it through all year long, we can nurture the earth so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy it.

Earth day is this Friday, April 22. Let's love the earth we have.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

A little less

There was a little less Kung Fu for me this week. But that's ok, as I recognize the ebbs and flows of the journey. Nothing like a couple of migraines and a bunch of stress to slow you down.

At any rate, the Pandamonium is coming up fast. It's an opportunity for us to come together and share our compassion with the world around us. We can make a difference in so many ways, and on May 14 we will. By collecting sponsors for every minute that we are doing Kung fu, we not only raise funds for our 5 charities but we raise awareness in the process. Not to mention Kung Fu for a whole day!

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Bumper Sticker

There are always consequences to our actions. Sometimes we learn the hard way, when we act or speak before we think. I saw this bumper sticker last week and it really got me thinking. On one hand I agree with it, but at the same time I don't.

"Change happens at the speed of thought"

First, I agree. My thoughts will have an influence on my actions. Look at road rage for example. If I am always getting really angry but stop my angry thought and instead replace it with "that person cut me off, but what if their spouse or their child is lying in the hospital"? That changes things instantly. Now I am using compassion, and my anger will dissipate. Where I also agree is when we are caught up in our emotions, and if we take the time to think before we speak, then absolutely we can make change.

Second, where I disagree. And it boils down to taking action. If I only have good thoughts or intentions, but no follow through, how am I to initiate change?

It seems that I agree more with the bumper sticker than I thought I did. Our thoughts can influence our actions, and bring about change. But we do have to be mindful at the same time. Awareness of our thoughts and then making the adjustments is what will bring about change. And we also have to be mindful of our follow through. A road paved with good intentions is not a road at all.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Boaty McBoatface

"The Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) new polar research vessel will be the UK's largest and most advanced research ship yet. She will allow scientists to carry out research safely and efficiently, even through the harshest of winters, in both Antarctica and the Arctic."

I heard about this today, where the public can submit and vote on what this new ship should be named. And oh my gosh, I think we have a winner! Boaty McBoatface. I love it! Simply because of its whimsy. Why does it have be serious? And does it have to be named after some famous explorer? (I do understand wanting to get taken seriously though).

I laughed a lot tonight, as we read through all of the submissions (and yes, we voted for this one!). In this world, where there isn't really much for good things in the news, and when it is so easy to be disappointed in how we treat each other, this was a nice treat. The only thing missing on this boat is a smiley face. I would totally ride this boat!

We should try to put smiles on each other's faces, and we should try to spread as much kindness as we can. Starting now.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Today and tomorrow

Today, I am going to drink my cranberry juice out of a wine glass, because I can.

Today, I am going to burn some incense to soothe my soul, because I can.

Today, I am going to read a book to escape for a little, because I can.

Today, I am going to hug my children to feel their love, because I can.

Tomorrow, I will get up and go to work, because I can.

Tomorrow, I will smile even if I don't feel like it, because I can.

Tomorrow, I will teach Kung Fu with passion, because I can.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016


There is a constant battle when it comes to the balance between being a Kung Fu parent and an instructor. I know I have high expectations of my girls as martial artists, so knowing when to push them and when to back off can be difficult.

As an instructor, it's my job to challenge our students to be more than they thought they could be. To find ways that work for each individual as we are all different and have different needs. And to find creative ways of doing so that staying engaged isn't too hard.

I don't always know when I am pushing my daughters when maybe I should be relaxing and giving them a little space to grow. Or vice versa. But now that I write this, I see that I have to try to take how I treat myself - when do I recognize that I need to push harder, when I need to back off a little and then how to apply it.

I want to do what's right for my kids, and what is right for my students. I know it's something that exists with give and take, and I think that by simply taking a step back every so often, I should be able to stay aware.

I don't always know what the best path is, for my kids, myself or my students. But I will always try, and will always ask for help when I need it. Because the way isn't always clear, I need to trust my instincts, and keep moving forward.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


A question that Sifu Brinker asks all of the newly promoted black dragons is "do you feel different?" I know now what that feeling is. Not so much that I was promoted, but more that this coming year will be different. I still plan on coaching, so the I Ho Chuan will still play a big part of my life, but today I do feel different. My goals for the year are perhaps a little more flexible, but some things will not change.

Part of the IHC program is sustainability. Once a goal is broken down and done consistently for a year, it becomes a lifestyle change and is therefore just what we do. I will still challenge myself though, and will keep on learning.

Last night was a great night. It was a bit exhausting, and the migraine I developed during the early evening didn't help, but it was still a night to remember.

Hopefully this doesn't come across as too self serving but I have to share. I feel blessed for a couple of reasons about the IHC performance last night. I wasn't able to do a live performance the night I was promoted to black belt, due to a broken ankle. And then for my second promotion, the current structure wasn't in place, so not performing wasn't a huge deal for me. It was simply the accomplishment. However, last night I was able to perform on the night I was promoted. Maybe it isn't such a big deal, but it made the night more special to me.

I am so proud of the new black belts. Two of you I have had the pleasure of watching from the time you were 3 years old. I am so happy to welcome all 4 of you! And a big congrats to Sifu D. Regier!

Monday, February 15, 2016


It's the time of year where I get to do a little sewing on the new lion, and it makes me smile every time. Well, I get to sew the lions cloth anyway. The ties that the manufacturer uses never last very long as they fray, and the last thing we need is for the cloth to start to come off during the most important dance of the year.

I truly enjoy working on the lions. Almost as much as I used to dance with them. I have had many opportunities in the past to re-glue and repaint and touch up as they are really only meant to last a year and I love it. However we usually get more than that out of them.

One day, I would like to build one from the ground up. Or at least start with the frame and go from there...guess I'll have to buy a lion from the auction???

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Beginning Anew

Everyday we are afforded the opportunity to begin anew. Every morning when I open my eyes I am blessed with 24 brand new hours with which I can start fresh. Maybe yesterday wasn't as good as it could've been, so now today, I can try again.

Tomorrow is a whole new lunar year. It's exciting as its new, fresh and untainted. The possibilities are endless! I am not on the monkey team, but right now I am having second thoughts. I really enjoyed this past year with the sheep team, and I learned a lot. However I do recognize that I don't have to be on the team in order to benefit from as team has the power to feed the whole school. If we are engaged in our training, then our actions are noticed and inspiration follows.

So, here's to a new year, and new possibilities. Cheers!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

One sided shoulder rolls

I have something that I need to fix. Well, there is lots that I need to fix, but that's why this is a life long journey right? I have to address my left shoulder rolls. It started as a blue belt, and for years I was just unable to do them due to an injury that plagued me for many years. However, that injury has dissipated and now the only reason I have is mental.

I have challenged myself and the advanced black dragons to improve our shoulder rolls. I feel very confident on my right side, but at this point I can barely do them from a kneeling position on my left never mind from standing up. It's hard. But I am going to do this.

I am logging how many I can do, and hopefully the results will show themselves soon. Hopefully before too long, they will be second nature!

Monday, January 25, 2016


This past year, one of my goals was to meditate more, and to make the goal more attainable, I had dedicated a month per different type of meditation. I was going to do walking meditation, hugging meditation, sitting meditation and tea meditation every day for a month or two depending on how it went. I have learned though, that that goal wasn't specific enough. It would have served me better to stick a number on each type, so I had a quantitative measure. I am sad to say that I don't think I have really made a lot of progress in this goal. ( I think I already do ok with moving meditation so that one wasn't included).

However, I can say that some are easier than others. And some are simpler to do with relation to time invested. For example, tea meditation, while best done in a single go can be done with every sip. If I am mindful, I can stop, breathe, and be in the moments each time I have a sip of tea. I can taste what went into making this cup of tea. The sun, the rain, the dirt, the people who picked the leaves, the people who sent them to be packaged, the people who drove them to the store, to the people who put them on the shelf, to myself by boiling the water and making the tea. It is being in the moment, and appreciating what I have.

I also enjoyed the hugging meditation. This one was hard to plan with the approach I took. I went in thinking that at a certain time each day, I would engage in hugging meditation. That didn't work too well, as it just felt too forced and awkward. However, I have succeeded in hugging my family more. And for a longer stretch at a time. I aim for 3 breaths in that hug - one to thank the person for being there, one to tell them I love them, and one to just enjoy this time with them. It's easy to get busy, and neglect those closest to us. Hugs are good.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Tai Chi

I love Tai Chi. It's funny because I didn't start until I earned my black belt, and in hindsight it would've been awesome to start sooner. It turned out to be a great tool in the healing of my broken ankle, and it's a great tool to handle stress.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to help teach it alongside Sifu Dennis, and I am always amazed at how much I still have to learn. I am really loving how full the class is, and it is a testament to Sifu Dennis and her passion for it.

I wonder sometimes what my strengths are, as I see so many students with obvious ones. I think that Tai Chi is one of mine , although I still have a long ways to go before I come close to mastering it. There is a lot of understanding that I don't feel I have yet, but I know that will come in due time if I continue to practice.

My hand form for this year was the Tai Chi short form, and I am glad that I chose it. It's been challenging at times to practice it as it's not something to rattle off in a minute to get it done. But it's been a good challenge, and I can't see me not continuing to practice after this I Ho Chuan year is over.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Duh, duh, duh

It's coming. Don't be afraid though, as it culminates in something amazing.

Yes, the Chinese New Years banquet is almost near. It's a time of year that I always look forward to. I find that right after the Christmas break, my motivation is renewed , and I can't wait to jump back into the many practices and a lot more time spent at the Kwoon. It's exciting to get to see what we can create when we all come together and then showcase for our families.

Yesterday we had our monthly I Ho Chuan meeting and were joined by our new members for the upcoming year of the monkey. It was awesome to look back at how far we have come, and to be able to meet the newest members. It's been a great year, and I am so thankful to have shared it with all of you.