Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thankful to be a mom

I am thankful. I have been blessed with two amazing daughters. I am thankful for the opportunity to have watched them grow into the young ladies that they are, and I am looking forward to see who they become.

They demonstrate compassion and empathy all the time, even though they may be struggling at the time. They have taught me what it means to love unconditionally and remind me to be a better person today than I was yesterday.

Today, I watched them let go of any inhibitions and just be themselves. Their smiles were joy. Their laughter was contagious. They were completely in the moment, and as teenagers that can be hard to do. They teach me what it means to be a good mom every day. How to listen without judging, how to accept my own shortcomings, how a hug can make things bearable.

I am thankful to be a mom. And I miss mine. I don't think I am as good of a mom as she was yet, but I am striving to get there.


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