Monday, March 28, 2016

The Bumper Sticker

There are always consequences to our actions. Sometimes we learn the hard way, when we act or speak before we think. I saw this bumper sticker last week and it really got me thinking. On one hand I agree with it, but at the same time I don't.

"Change happens at the speed of thought"

First, I agree. My thoughts will have an influence on my actions. Look at road rage for example. If I am always getting really angry but stop my angry thought and instead replace it with "that person cut me off, but what if their spouse or their child is lying in the hospital"? That changes things instantly. Now I am using compassion, and my anger will dissipate. Where I also agree is when we are caught up in our emotions, and if we take the time to think before we speak, then absolutely we can make change.

Second, where I disagree. And it boils down to taking action. If I only have good thoughts or intentions, but no follow through, how am I to initiate change?

It seems that I agree more with the bumper sticker than I thought I did. Our thoughts can influence our actions, and bring about change. But we do have to be mindful at the same time. Awareness of our thoughts and then making the adjustments is what will bring about change. And we also have to be mindful of our follow through. A road paved with good intentions is not a road at all.

1 comment:

Melanie Beckett said...

That's very true. I have a million thoughts go through my head in a day but, unfortunately, I can't achieve everything I want all at once. Some change can take years.