Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Team

The Tiger Challenge was inspiring. I learn so much from watching all of the students and black belts compete. You can see all of the hard work that has been put into it, and I hope that all of the competitors feel proud of their accomplishments. It doesn't matter if you placed or not, as you have taken another big step in your training. Nicely done!


I have definitely felt the difference in not being on the I Ho Chuan team this year, as some of my goals have not seen enough of my attention. I still have goals, and I will still work on them, but it's a different accountability. As an instructor, I am accountable to my students, their parents, and my fellow black belts. However, without a team beside you, it becomes a different journey.


I am still moving forward, albeit slowly. Injuries have a tendency to do that and I am not 100% yet. But I am moving forward.

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