Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Snarly cats

I wrote a blog a couple of days ago, but couldn't bring myself to post it. My vacation ends this weekend and during this time off, I have had some time to breathe and reflect.

Things didn't really turn out as I had planned, however there is so much to be grateful for. So it's been a good vacation overall. Didn't get much physical training in, however we have New Year's Day challenge to get us started on the right foot. I'm looking forward to that.

See you on the mats next week!


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ready for a break

Not from kung fu, but from work. I am mentally tired, and am hoping to relax for the next two weeks. Of course there will be kung fu during my days, and I know that some daily practice will be good mentally and physically.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.



Sunday, December 14, 2014


I joined the I Ho Chuan horse team meeting yesterday with my fellow sheep team members yesterday. It was nice to see so many familiar faces and it has me looking forward to the next year.

I know it will present many challenges, and I know that there will be things that I will struggle with. However with a bunch of like minded people, the failures shouldn't be so bad. I hope that we can carry each other through thick and thin, and I know that we will all grow as students and people.

I have a lot that I need to work on, and I hope that my list of requirements is at a balance. Too many, or too challenging ones will have great potential to take the wind out of my sails. Too little or easy, I will be left unmotivated.

I think I am ready to take on the year of the sheep!


Sunday, December 7, 2014

What to do?

I find myself battling two things to blog about today. The problem lies in that the one topic that I feel very passionate about, is one that I feel makes me sound like a broken record. My kids know that I feel very strongly about it, as they are usually the ones to hear me rant. However,I hope that they also feel strongly about it, and perhaps one day they will have this passion for something too.

Please bear with me while I try to express this without driving anyone away. And please note that while I rant, I do recognize that I am not perfect either. There is no doubt that I could do more. This year, as with every year at this time, there is more awareness being raised and encouragement to donate food and Christmas things for those that are less fortunate. And believe me, I am in total agreement. But the problem as I see it, is that why does this issue only seem to be raised during the Christmas season? Those less fortunate need to eat all year round. I try to buy food bank donations every week, as it only costs me few extra dollars to support those less fortunate. So my hope is that when people make a donation, whether it is monetary or a food or gift donation, that it is done mindfully. And I hope that when you do, you think about the issue in the long term. It's great to help others, but it should be all the time, not just when we are expected to.



Sunday, November 30, 2014

Black Belt Success Cycle

1. Have a goal. Simple enough – you have something that you wish to attain. For example 3000 front thrust kicks in a month, both legs.

2. Have a plan (and a success coach) – Basically, you need to set up a schedule that you can consistently follow. A success coach is someone In the background who has already done that and can give you the tools and shortcuts you need to achieve your goal.

3. Take Consistent Action! This is the most important one! I don’t think this one requires explaining, however it’s just following your plan exactly as you laid it out.

4. Review your progress – is your plan working? Is it too difficult to maintain your consistent action? Maybe 5 sets of 50 kicks per leg each day is proving to be very hard to do? (perhaps 25 per leg per day will keep you from getting overwhelmed). You may need to adjust your plan so that you have a better chance of success.

5. Review your goal. Maybe your goal is no longer getting to a big number. Maybe your goal needs to be geared to perfecting the technique, or even maybe just changing to say a goal of x number of minutes of crane stance (you have lost your crane stances on your kicks – that’s bad!)


Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I was away last week on a course, and it is amazing how fast I felt disconnected from the school and kung fu. All that said though, it really feels great to be back. Kudos to those of you that work out of town or shift work - it's certainly a challenge and well, you guys rock!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Sense of Purpose

I've been thinking about this lately, and how it relates to everything we do. It's something that I struggle with at times, as my brain gets in the way. Ithink that when I am trying to apply a technique, instead of focusing on where my body parts are and what they should be doing, I should instead look at my sense of purpose. What outcome am I trying to achieve? I think that by staying in the moment, and looking at the outcome, things will come together. Of course I have to put in the effort and work on this before I see results.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Positives and negatives...and stuff


The title brings me way back to high school when a chemistry teacher did a funny little dance to explain positive and negative charges. Funny how that sticks with you.


Anyway, with the right frame of mind, you can take your negative thoughts and turn them around. Or perhaps take that failure, and make it a bridge for your next success. But the ugly truth is that it is really hard sometimes. It's something I struggle with - have for as long as I can remember and while I think I am improving, I know I have a long ways to go.


I was really excited today as I was thinking of a new Kung Fu thing, and it actually turns out that it was already out there. So my little "aha" moment was sadly deflated. It sucked the wind out of my sails, and while I could stew over it, I am just going to have to push harder and further to have my next "aha" moment.


And now for my own little dance...


Sunday, October 26, 2014

It's in my head


Visions are in my head. Well, not the kind of visions that would immediately set off alarms. Visualizing your training is a great way to mentally train. I have found that by going over a slow form allows for a calming type of meditation, as when I need to de-stress, I can't just bang out a form. It forces me to breathe and to come back into the moment.

And going over a faster form in my head allows me to purposely occupy my mind in a good way when I am going for a power walk. Visualizing can help to prepare ourself mentally when you are to perform an event. I look back at my board breaking for my black belt test. On the drive to the Canada Day demo, I went over my breaks in my head, and each time, they broke. It helped to push aside the anxiety I had for both the public performance and for the breaks themselves.

Visualizing your Kung Fu can also help to stay engaged in your training when you are unable to train. It's not for everyone, but it has been a great tool for me.



Sunday, October 19, 2014


Time passes fast. I had full intentions of blogging last week, and put it off. Well it's now a week later and I recognize how easy it is to procrastinate. It's easy to put off our training, and it is the little things that help to keep us engaged. Got to keep that in front of me as the approaching new I Ho Chuan year looms.

Blogging is huge when it comes to engagement. It forces us to reflect and to stay in the moment with our training. And that's why, even when I miss a week, I will continue to blog.

Now for next year. I have been working on my requirement list and refining it so that it isn't overwhelming later. Technically the next I Ho Chuan year isn't for 4 months, but time goes by fast. The tiger challenge is almost upon us, and then we will begin to prepare for our New Years banquet. It will be upon us in no time. And there is no time like the present to start prepping.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

I should know better by now


For whatever reason, sometimes the lessons are hard to keep in front of me. The tendinitis in my wrists have been quiet for about a month now, so yesterday I pulled out my kwan dao and played for a while. But by last night I was paying the price. I should've wrapped my wrists regardless of how they were feeling. I'm a twit. At this point in my training, and with all the injuries and limitations I have built over the years, I should know better than to tempt fate by ignoring the obvious.

On a positive note though, I feel like I am making progress with my push-ups. They still suck, but not as much, so I think a little high five is deserved there. :-p


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Forms sparring

I learned something this week, and it reinforced how forms training is really the base for our techniques and our sparring.

Wednesday was a sparring day, and I had the opportunity to spar with my daughter. She hasn't sparred in about 5 years,so I wasn't expecting what happened.

Keep in mind that while I am a bit biased in my opinion, I was truly impressed with her skills. She had some good combinations, and she made good use of her reach. She kept me on my toes, and we had a lot of fun.

Practicing our forms, mindfully and often serves as a great tool for our kung fu.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

So proud

I am always proud of our students when they accomplish something. Whether it's an "aha"!" moment, a stripe earned, or a promotion, they are all made of discipline and hard work.


I had the pleasure of watching one of my students earn his blue belt yesterday. I have watched him grow, overcome adversity, and his journey has left a mark in mine. I am so proud.


It was also a learning experience for me yesterday - it pointed out ways I can improve myself, and was a friendly reminder that I will always be a student, and let me tell you that was exciting! 12 years in and I have barely touched the surface of what I have yet to learn. And most of those lessons will be from students, that I may not have even met yet. That's pretty cool...




Sunday, September 7, 2014

A wee break

My family took a much needed holiday at the end of August. It was nice to get away briefly and getting back into things was a little more difficult that I imagined.

At any rate, while it stepped back from physical training during my break, I still managed to get some mental training in. This basically consisted of letting things go for a while, and being in the moment. I managed to do a little bit of walking meditation, and spent time in nature. It was good for the soul.

Now that school is in and our routine is taking its form once more, I hope to find a way to be in the moment more.



Monday, September 1, 2014

It's a new year

Tomorrow we send our kids back to school. On one hand, it will be great for them to get into a routine, but at the same time, I find myself a little sad. They grow up so fast - it feels like yesterday that would crawl into my lap for a cuddle or a story. Now we are in the last year before my oldest gets to high school. Yikes.

The summer brought way smaller classes in Kung Fu, and I imagine that this week will bring us up to our regular numbers. The summer was good for those who still came to class as they had more individual attention, and now we will see how many practiced these last couple of months.

Anyway, it's a fresh new year with boundless opportunities.

Welcome back!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Every path is unique

Sometimes we forget which path we are on, and it can become a challenge to keep going. Sometimes our egos block the way, and sometimes it's a lack of belief in ourselves.

I cannot say how many times I have found myself looking towards my peers, and questioning what I am doing. Why am I not where they are? Why am I here in my training?

That's when I have to look inside, and see who I am without blinders on. We teach the concept of healthy competition and what this means is that I am only competing with myself. Am I better than I was yesterday? If not, then what can I do different so that my outcome is not the same as today? I definitely want to strive to be a better person today than yesterday.

It's not a good idea to compare myself to someone else, as their path is different than mine. There is only 1 me. There is only 1 you. And that is why we each have our own path that is unique to us. We have access to the same tools, but what I need today may not be what you need. This is important to remember, and is something that we too easily forget.



Sunday, August 10, 2014

And then there was more

I had the privilege of starting this past week with members of our school involved in a community project. It's always nice to spend time with other like minded people, and to see them outside of the kwoon.

I enjoy stuff like this as it helps me feel more engaged in my training, and with those on a similar journey. It also helps to bring our training out into the world around us, and to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

My journey is my own, however it is always filled with other training mates, students and mentors. While my path is unique to me, I am never alone. There is always someone there to grab my hand and help me find my way again, and it's an honour and privilege to do the same.

I am blessed to be a part of an amazing school, that is changing the world around us, a little at a time.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

A view from inside the head

Of a lion.


I haven't been inside a lion head for pretty much the last 5 years or so, but is a great feeling, even if I wasn't dancing. We pulled a couple of lions down yesterday for the Lil Leopards class, and had them take turns sitting inside a head with us. They snapped the mouth, blinked the eyes and wiggled the ears. I really loved seeing the excitement in their faces!


Lion dancing takes hard work, the very definition of Kung Fu. It's great to see the I Ho Chuan team learning about it and the history and meaning of the dances. Lion Dance is a major part of our school, and it's wonderful to see new faces finding a passion for it.


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Boot camp 2014

Saturday July 26 is our annual boot camp. It's a day that tests your mettle, while sharing comraderie. It's a full day that gives students a taste of many different things, and the fitness test at the end is a great marker for where you are at. I have attended for many years, both as a student and an instructor, and it is an amazing day. I encourage you to give it a try if you haven't yet. It's another safe place for us to explore our abilities, and perhaps find an avenue we haven't yet explored. There is always something new and exciting at boot camp!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Holy hips batman!

For several years, my right hip has not been engaged. So a lot of my stances haven't been where they should be. However, I have been working on it and thought I had the issue licked. Apparently not! I had my kwan dao mini form filmed, and yikes! That hip is absolutely awful! It's embarrassing really.

But, that same week, Sifu Dennis said the same thing with my Tai Chi. What is a girl to do! Practice, break it down, and practice some more! I have really concentrated on the "Ker chunk" of my right hip going into place for all my forms. Mostly Tai Chi, but that seems to have helped a lot. And on another note, I think I might know why my right hip isn't cooperating. I believe that it's due to the broken ankle 5 1/2 years ago, which I compensated for and which has now become a bad habit.

So, now to fix it!!! Mindfulness, and lots of practice.



Monday, July 7, 2014

How The Blind See Beauty (as shared by my oldest daughter)

It really touched me to have my teenage daughter share this with me. Our culture emphasizes external beauty, and we are bombarded with fake images, so that we fight with our self esteem on a daily basis. I am so glad she found this video, as it reminds us of what beauty should be.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A big high five

The kids had their last day of school on Friday, and I was able to go and watch their awards ceremony. It was pretty awesome to see a whole shwack of Kung Fu kids receive awards. It makes me proud of all of them, and it serves as a reminder of what Kung Fu can do.

Kung Fu teaches discipline and respect. Kung Fu means hard work. These things that we learn on our journey reflects in all aspects of our lives. I see our kids give more of themselves, use empathy when dealing with others, and become leaders in our community.

A big high five you all of you! (I was only able to comment on the kids at Woodhaven Middle School, but I have no doubts that all of our kids from the other schools are doing the same amazing things).


Sunday, June 15, 2014


These past few months at work have been interesting to say the least, with the arrival of some new temporary staff. Everyone handles stress different, and reacts accordingly as well. I've also noticed how much having compassion and empathy can affect things. People tend to react more positively when you put yourself in their shoes, and sometimes, just a smile and some understanding can make all the tension disappear.

But this also comes into play in our Kung fu and with our families. Compassion when we teach makes a huge difference, as we can better understand our students needs, and at the same time, compassion to ourselves on our journey. It doesn't take much to get discouraged,but if we are compassionate to ourselves, we can take some pressure off, and find our feet once again.

I have definitely been more aware of using compassion in my daily life recently, and I am learning a lot.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


I spent a good chunk of the day thinking about my blog. First, what to write about, and then that ended up in the why. Why do I blog? What purpose does it serve me?

I know it can serve as a reminder of our journey, so that we may have a guideline to all the ups and downs that we encounter. It can serve as a mindful approach to our journey, to keep us honest and disciplined. It also can demonstrate how Kung fu is actually an integral part of our daily lives, whether we are aware of it or not.

I've come close to falling off the wagon, so to speak, many times. Missing a blog once, can derail your discipline in a moment. I have missed blogs and put them off more times than I care to admit. The truth is there - it's easy to go back and see the evidence at any time.

But that's where mindfulness comes in. For me anyway. I am painfully aware of when I choose not to blog ( note that it's always a choice. I choose not to for whatever reason I have) and I always try to make sure that I don't miss the next time. I have a routine - Sundays are usually my down days and so I find it the best time to write. I read all the blogs often, and always feel a bit of guilt when I choose not to. Not because I think that what I have to say is important, but because of the journey. Yes, it's my journey alone, however we are all on it together.

Blogging is a way to be accountable to yourself, and the other people who read about your journey. Just because there isn't a comment, doesn't mean it is never read or appreciated. Reading the blogs of my fellow students, keeps me in touch with them, so I am always connected no matter where I might be or what state of mind I might be in.

Thank you to all the students that share their journey with the rest of us. I appreciate being a part of it.



Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A short one

Just a short blog this week - the pandemonium was fun, although it was weird to me to not be involved with the kids' game like the previous years. But it looked like they all had a blast! It was really awesome that Po showed up too. It was great to see my girls more involved this year too. While they weren't on the mats, they sold baking and painted faces. All in all a great day. Thanks to everyone for coming out, regardless of how you spent your day. There is a lot of moving parts when putting something this incredible together, and it seemed to run like a well built machine.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Missed it

I missed blogging last week, and put it off again yesterday. Not the time for bad habits to start. The pandemonium is this coming Saturday, and it will be a great day I am sure. 24 hours of non-stop Kung Fu - it doesn't get any better than that!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

There's a smurf in my house!

Well, close anyway. It's been a blue hair adventure, that has made me smile. It's been a trying week and a half, so the smile was needed.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How's that for a kicker?

I've read several blogs over the past few weeks, and there seem to be injuries abound. Some are new, and some are recurring, almost like an old friend. Obviously not a friend, more like a foe.

I have had tendinitis in my wrists for many years now, but mostly it comes and goes. It creates challenges, and I am glad that I have started to work with my weapon for next year. It's frustrating though, as I want to play, but have to take a step back from everything. My wrist pain feels more sinister this time, so I am really trying to be good to them, but it isn't easy.

But there is a bright side. I can work on being the best kicker out there!


Monday, April 21, 2014

"it's a small world" 50th Anniversary Global Chorus | Disney Parks

I found this the other day, and it really touched me.  It is a project that involves Matt Harding (note: dancing around the world - where the hell is Matt?).

I love it.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Har, Har Matey!

No, it isn't International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Sorry, but this is where my brain went while I was formulating this blog. However as I was writing, I decided that I need to write something on a different note, so my apologies to all closet pirates out there. I received a wonderful gift today. Actually, the Lil Leopards kids instructors did, including some that no longer teach with us. One of the mom's has taken pictures of the class over the past couple of years, and today she gave us all pictures of ourselves in the midst of it all. She took the time to sort them, and give each instructor pictures of themselves with the kids. I really loved this, as I don't think we ever really see ourselves when we teach. In all the pictures, I saw grownups totally in the moment with the kids. I was reminded of why I teach the kids, and the gift that I receive from being with them.

Thank you so much Mrs. Werbicki.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Something different

We tried something different this week - we went to the Royal Alberta Museum. Parts of it haven't changed much over the years, but they have this exhibit called "Chop Suey" and it is on the history of Chinese restaurants in Alberta. I have never noticed, but almost every town in Alberta has at least one Chinese restaurant! When we first entered the exhibit, they have a timeline displayed starting with when the Chinese first arrived. It started with the gold rush, which then moved into the railway. I was surprised and ashamed to see the awful treatment the Chinese received. They were charged a head tax, and were monitored very closely. Immigration was very tight, and only men were allowed in initially. First to allow for the railroad to be completed, and after that, they ended up working traditional "women's" jobs - mainly cooking.
The men (who had families back home in China) started to open restaurants, as that was something they could do. And over the last 125 years, these restaurants have endured and have become a part of our culture. Funny though, most of what we consider "Chinese Food" isn't very traditional at all. Our tastes are different, and so are the flavours here. There is much more to this though, and if it still open, I highly recommend it!

Now, the coolest thing ever! In this exhibit, we discovered our very own Sihing William Choy! Bing's is a staple here in Stony Plain and Spruce Grove, and it was such a treat to see him, and to hear about how they used to grow bean sprouts in the basement of their restaurant. I feel so very proud!!! Many high fives to you Sihing!

This was an awesome day... (they even had an interactive Koi pond).

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Break

The kids are off school this week and there aren't any kids classes this week either, except for Saturday. So it will be nice not to have to rush to the school after work to be there for 5:30, but we will be there for the teen/adult classes.

This coming Saturday is our first public benevolent meeting. It'll be great to share what we do with the whole school and to answer any questions that come up.


Have a great week!


Sunday, March 23, 2014



It may seem premature, but I have been putting a lot of thought into what weapon I should study for next year's I Ho Chuan. I have had several injuries over the years that still haunt me to one degree or another, but the one that seems to be holding me back the most is chronic wrist tendinitis. It's quite manageable for the most part, but any prolonged usage leaves me in discomfort. And with 1000 repetitions, I need to be careful.


So what weapon? Most require a fair degree of wrist rotation and flexibility, which I lack. I thought about a double dagger, which is still an option. However, through a conversation with Sifu Brinker, he suggested a Kwan dao. I know, right? Obviously a traditional one is out. I don't have the strength to swing one of them bad boys for sure. But Sifu Brinker had a light one - wood handle and an aluminum blade. Kind of feels like a toy, but it's perfect for me. It will use more of my whole body and less wrist (thus far) so I am excited to start practicing with it and to see if it's a viable weapon for me.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Respect and compassion

This week proved to be a learning experience. As I listened to my friend and empathized with her situation, I found myself in the middle. I had also taken on her problems and ended up being reminded that the solution starts with respect. I needed to take a step back and look at the situation with compassion and while I may not respect a persons actions, I still we'd to remain compassionate. There must be underlying seeds that have grown into something unkind, but if I also take that approach, I am not going to help anyone.


Kung Fu teaches respect and discipline. Respect for ourselves, respect for others, and respect for all living things. Without respect, I will not have discipline.


This week reminded me the importance of compassion and empathy. It's always good to step back and reevaluate things with this perspective. I can't control how others will act, but I can control how I react. And it starts with me using compassion and empathy.


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bullying and Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday February 26 is Pink Shirt Day. A day to stand up to bullying - and a day that was instigated by two teenage boys to support a new kid against bullies. There are many different facets of bullying, for both the bully and the victim. It comes in many forms and impacts us all.

While this is an integral part of school's curriculum, it's important the we stress the importance of spreading the word and talking the talk. The Advanced Black Dragons took part in a mini discussion this past week and we had a few points that I am going to post here. As well, we are participating in Pink Shirt Day and we are wearing pink shirts to class on Wednesday. I hope to see many more pink shirts that day.

1. Stay in a group. Bullies are more likely to pick someone out if they are alone.
2. Don't hide in corners. Stay in plain sight where you are close to other people.
3. Always tell a trusted adult. Noone should face a bully alone, and it is never ok!
4. Stand up to a bully. Don't just watch someone get picked on. If we take a stand for each other, we are helping to stop it.
5. Bullies want power. Look confident - hold your head up and look like you know what you are all about, even if you don't feel that way.

A few other points as parents/ teachers etc.
1. We need to offer specific tips. We need to enable our kids with the tools necessary. They need a plan and our support.
2. Stay calm and don't react. Bullies will not stop if they see you react to them.
3. Teach a firm voice - say "stop!" loudly. It gets attention from those around you and will discourage the bully.

Together we can stop bullying. It is something we need to talk about often, and it's our job to keep each other safe.

More can be found at http://www.pinkshirtday.ca

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's a double!

Two trains of thought today. Funny as some weeks, I struggle to formulate anything to write about.

First up. I stepped way out of my comfort zone this week and I survived. I mean, of course I did. How silly of me! I am not fond of situations where I don't know anyone, let alone have to interact with strangers. I took a 3 day course in the hopes of further defining my current position at work. Not only was the course content not what I expected, we had role plays and group brainstorming sessions. It was a challenge for me, but thankfully most of the other people there were able to make me feel more comfortable. I am glad it's over though.

And second, I was the recipient of 2 acts of kindness yesterday. Usually, we focus on the things we do for others, so it's a very humbling experience to receive an act of kindness. One of my Lil Leopards made valentines day cookies, and it touched me to have one given to me. And I have to thank his mom, Mrs. Werbicki for the beautiful tulips she gave me. She read my blog last week, and wanted to give me these. It was hard not to cry, as that's the power of these acts. Please accept my heartfelt thanks!


My thought for the day - give someone a hug. It's free,and the feelings are priceless.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Warm and cozy


I started crocheting a blanket a few years ago, and I finished it today. I had forgotten how little I had left, and was a bit disappointed that I finished it so soon. I pulled it out for a sick day project, but instead I go to snuggle in it which isn't so bad.


I put it away in the spring of 2012, and then didn't touch it at all last year. My mom helped me to get it started and inspired me as to the second colour on it. But after she passed away, I couldn't bring myself to work on it. In a way, I was sad today, as it brought back a lot memories, but it just has that much more meaning to me, and I doubt I could ever give it away.


I find myself really missing her today, and I had thought that writing about the blanket would help. My moms innate kindness and warmth are qualities that I admire, and strive for. She touched every person she met, and I hope that I can one day be as truly wonderful as her.