Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bullying and Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday February 26 is Pink Shirt Day. A day to stand up to bullying - and a day that was instigated by two teenage boys to support a new kid against bullies. There are many different facets of bullying, for both the bully and the victim. It comes in many forms and impacts us all.

While this is an integral part of school's curriculum, it's important the we stress the importance of spreading the word and talking the talk. The Advanced Black Dragons took part in a mini discussion this past week and we had a few points that I am going to post here. As well, we are participating in Pink Shirt Day and we are wearing pink shirts to class on Wednesday. I hope to see many more pink shirts that day.

1. Stay in a group. Bullies are more likely to pick someone out if they are alone.
2. Don't hide in corners. Stay in plain sight where you are close to other people.
3. Always tell a trusted adult. Noone should face a bully alone, and it is never ok!
4. Stand up to a bully. Don't just watch someone get picked on. If we take a stand for each other, we are helping to stop it.
5. Bullies want power. Look confident - hold your head up and look like you know what you are all about, even if you don't feel that way.

A few other points as parents/ teachers etc.
1. We need to offer specific tips. We need to enable our kids with the tools necessary. They need a plan and our support.
2. Stay calm and don't react. Bullies will not stop if they see you react to them.
3. Teach a firm voice - say "stop!" loudly. It gets attention from those around you and will discourage the bully.

Together we can stop bullying. It is something we need to talk about often, and it's our job to keep each other safe.

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