Sunday, October 26, 2014

It's in my head


Visions are in my head. Well, not the kind of visions that would immediately set off alarms. Visualizing your training is a great way to mentally train. I have found that by going over a slow form allows for a calming type of meditation, as when I need to de-stress, I can't just bang out a form. It forces me to breathe and to come back into the moment.

And going over a faster form in my head allows me to purposely occupy my mind in a good way when I am going for a power walk. Visualizing can help to prepare ourself mentally when you are to perform an event. I look back at my board breaking for my black belt test. On the drive to the Canada Day demo, I went over my breaks in my head, and each time, they broke. It helped to push aside the anxiety I had for both the public performance and for the breaks themselves.

Visualizing your Kung Fu can also help to stay engaged in your training when you are unable to train. It's not for everyone, but it has been a great tool for me.



1 comment:

Sifu Beckett Sr. said...

Thanks for reminding me about this awesome tool. I will start doing this again