Monday, January 14, 2008



A simple task,
washing the floor.
Takes an hour
to work up to.

A simple chore,
Cleaning the bathrooms.
Takes a day,
I don’t want to.

A simple idea,
Picking up toys,
I am talking to
two beautiful walls.
(age 7 and 5 1/2)

Don’t want to cook,
But just want to eat.

Want to work out,
But just too tired.

Am I lazy?
Am I a slob?
A terrible mother?
A bad person?

Want a new job,
But too secure.
Working in circles,
No one cares.

Want to make a difference,
But how?
Want to sacrifice?
But what?

I need something.
Ice cream
Time alone
A long walk
A good workout
A long talk
A massage
The ocean
Falling leaves
Big snowflakes.
Quiet river
Warm sand
Fresh cut grass
Warm and bright sunshine.
A soft kiss.


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