Sunday, January 27, 2008

This, that and everything in between

I am sittting here on the floor, seriously thinking about hibernating for the rest of the week, and contemplating my Kung Fu experiences. In particular the challenges involved in teaching others.

I am on the floor, because my laptop is at Westworld awaiting a miracle. I am not sure what went wrong, and I spent considerable time feeling guilty because I must have done something wrong. Who knows. Anyway, the class with the Lil' Leopards was an eye opener yesterday.

I figure that I am good with kids, and that I have an advantage because I have two of my own. I think I am pretty good at reading them, and knowing when the focus is gone and it's time to move on. I found myself down 2 1/2 instructors yesterday. Thankfully, there were only 8 kids. I say 2 1/2 because 2 called in sick, and the other was tied up with a new student. I did have another black belt, and without him, it could have been a disaster.

I had to dig deep, to keep them going. Tried bean bags, but they got way too engrossed in having a bean bag, so that had to be aborted almost as soon as it begun. Running seems to be a fairly good strategy though. But can get boring right quick too.

While I have two of my own kids, I don't think like a kid much anymore. I take much less time to appreciate the simple things, and live in the moment. The Lil' Leopards have so much to teach me. Patience, humour, fun, and the simple joy of living. Watch them kick a heavy bag, and the joy from it. Watch them crawl through a tunnel and the excitement when the reach the end. They are challenging, yet so satisfying.

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