Sunday, April 2, 2017

Hug rhymes with Grug

I had a conversation yesterday about hugs and how some people can give them with ease and others hesitate. I am one of those people who hesitate. I hug my family without abandon, and probably because they don't have a choice. I love them and this is one way that I show them. I will hug my friends but I am never the one to initiate that first one. I worry about how it will be received as I know that some don't like much touch and have larger personal bubbles. I guess it's the rejection that I fear. That my touch is unwelcome and therefore so am I. Silly right?

Hugging makes me think of my mom. She would hug anyone and without any hesitation. She didn't concern herself with what others may think or what that possible rejection might feel like. She hugged with her whole being, and her heart shone through. I know I am not my mom, but she is a part of me. And I hope that this year I can put myself out there more. To just give a hug without the worry behind it.

That actually makes me think of the kids that I am privileged to teach. They give hugs for free, hugs just because, and hugs because they are happy. They have this light in them and to see it spill out is amazing.

Hugs give comfort, they express caring and love, they support and they have the power to heal. I think the world needs more hugs. I know it wouldn't necessarily solve anything, but it would put more peace in our hearts. And we all need some of that.

On a side, I was walking with my daughter in the river valley last week, and some taped this note on a broken water fountain. I thought it was a great act of kindness...






Karen Bergstreiser said...

The world does need more hugs!

Kevin Lindstrom said...

Hugs do make you feel good.