Monday, December 14, 2015

Jammie's and tea

How can I be mindful when I feel I am going crazy? I have finally jumped into my full time position, which is good as I can narrow my focus at work. And my boss has been away last week and this week, so I am learning a lot on the fly. Not a bad thing, but it's proving to be a bit stressful. I made some wonderful tea for my coffee break today with the intent of drinking it slowly. But it was gone before I really realized it. Absolutely no mindfulness there! Oh well. I just have to recognize where I am and stop and breathe. Once I gain more confidence, I should be able to focus more on my tea. I have also become aware of how much I march at work. I am always on a mission, and while it's good for my numbers, it isn't good for being in the moment.

I know that I am feeling a lot of stress right now, and probably more than I realize. My weekend was spent in bed with a migraine, and I had a cold sore last week. And I don't get those very often. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I'm just taking stock of where I am mentally. I need a little bit of time off, which is coming soon. And as long as I don't fill all of my time with the things I want to get done, I should be able to relax a bit. And I plan on drinking lots of tea! Mmmmm, jammie's and tea. Sounds wonderful.


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