Thursday, December 31, 2015

Looking back

Over this past week, I found myself going through some old pictures, and I stumbled across some from a really long time ago. At least it feels that way. I can't remember the year exactly, but Sihing Csillag was a purple belt in the Lil Leopards, and there were so me other faces that I recognize.

It's amazing how far we have all come. I was still a Sihing in those pictures, and that feels like a lifetime ago. In reality it's been only 7 or 8 years, but again, it seems like so long ago.

It was a nice trip down memory lane. Seeing all the changes that the Kwoon has gone throughout ugh ( still only had the original space, and those amazing red mats), and of course all of the changes that we have gone through. Due to injuries and a little bit of aging, I cannot train the way I used to. But that's ok, as our paths are always adapting, or veering off in a different direction, and while each of our journeys are our own, ultimately we are not alone.

We have each other to encourage and support, to help us adapt to each change that comes our way. It's been a great year in the I Ho Chuan, and I look forward to what comes next year. I have seen momentous growth in everyone, and I hope that you all keep on the path you are on.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


I was struck this past Saturday at open training just how blessed we are. Looking at the families that train there together made me smile. I know that not all of our family members stay with it, and that's ok because I know that they did benefit even if they don't know it.

I am fortunate, that my family trains at Silent River Kung Fu. My girls, like so many other kids, have grown up in this environment and know it as a second home. We are a huge family, that cares about each other beyond measure. Together we embark on projects that tie us closer to one another, and projects that make the school more "ours".

I feel truly blessed to share my journey with you. This past year has been full of growth, and I am looking forward to what the next year brings.

Peace, love and happiness to you all.


Monday, December 14, 2015

Jammie's and tea

How can I be mindful when I feel I am going crazy? I have finally jumped into my full time position, which is good as I can narrow my focus at work. And my boss has been away last week and this week, so I am learning a lot on the fly. Not a bad thing, but it's proving to be a bit stressful. I made some wonderful tea for my coffee break today with the intent of drinking it slowly. But it was gone before I really realized it. Absolutely no mindfulness there! Oh well. I just have to recognize where I am and stop and breathe. Once I gain more confidence, I should be able to focus more on my tea. I have also become aware of how much I march at work. I am always on a mission, and while it's good for my numbers, it isn't good for being in the moment.

I know that I am feeling a lot of stress right now, and probably more than I realize. My weekend was spent in bed with a migraine, and I had a cold sore last week. And I don't get those very often. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I'm just taking stock of where I am mentally. I need a little bit of time off, which is coming soon. And as long as I don't fill all of my time with the things I want to get done, I should be able to relax a bit. And I plan on drinking lots of tea! Mmmmm, jammie's and tea. Sounds wonderful.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I hope this works

I was on a website tonight doing some very late Christmas shopping(oops!) and came across the following page. I hope the link works.

Anyway, if it doesn't, it's a touching look at a Danish police officer and a little girl fleeing from Syria. Is him playing a game with her, and she looks happy. It brought tears to my eyes. Everyday is a barrage of bad things - things that make me want to stay inside with the people I love and not go out into that scary world. Where people take the lives of others, or abuse them, and a world where countries seem to think that the path to peace is through violence. Sorry, I kind of went off there.

It was good for my soul to see such a touching moment captured in time. I hope the link works...

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A short one

I was reflecting tonight, and it is wonderful to be around so many like minded people. It's like being home. It's always an amazing feeling to share experiences with my fellow students. The demo Saturday was fantastic and left me with a warm feeling. This crane project is doing much more for me emotionally than I expected. I feel it has brought us together more on a more mental level, and has also given me a new reason to celebrate everyone. That sounds cheesy, but it's true. With every crane that I string, I feel the presence of someone unique. We all have things we are good at, and things that we need to work on. We have different ways of doing things to achieve the same goal. We are individuals moving towards a common goal on different paths. (My apologies if this is not very coherent, just my thoughts moving around in my head.)