Sunday, March 4, 2012

The time is now

My brain feels full and it's been difficult to concentrate. I also had a lot of potential today, but instead I vegged out - read a book, played some games, and did some crafts with my daughter. I guess if you think about it, it was a good day. Most days I am running around or at least it feels that way, so today was a needed break.

I was thinking about forms yesterday (today too to be honest). I was breaking them down, and trying to really see what it is we are doing in the form. When am I blocking and countering, what am I blocking, and why I am moving in the directions that I am. These are things we need to be aware of - and they will be different for everyone. I might be gouging someone in the eye, while the next person might be striking the throat. The idea however, is to be aware of why you are moving the way you are, and to install purpose into your forms.

During one of the classes this week, a black belt mentioned that all of our Kung Fu is in our forms. There lies the base for our sparring and our techniques. Fortunately for me, I love forms.

Insert segway...

Although, while I love forms, I watched some MMA girls fighting this weekend, and was totally inspired. I know I am not as comfortable sparring as I could be, nor am I comfortable on the ground. But as of right now, I want to get in there, and get dirty. I'm stoked!!!

1 comment:

J.C. said...

I am going to go out on a limb and guess it was the Tate vs Rousey fight.
There was great techniques to catch! Unfortuenately female MMA is not taken seriously enough yet, it was trailed by a media circus afterwards .. but its coming along. I am stoked that you are stoked!!
Sifu Masterson