Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sundays are my down days. It’s the one day a week, where I can quietly reflect on the past week, unwind, and start to prepare for the coming week.

I relish these days, as I can just lounge around, and focus on my Kung Fu in a different way. I spend 6 days a week, working, training and teaching. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. But it would be very awesome to train and teach every day and not have to worry about my day job. One day maybe!

Days like today, I can review my classes of the last week, look at what I could have done better, and can make a plan for next week. For example, some days, the Lil Leopards class is like herding cats. It can be really difficult to re-engage them after stopping an activity, and find their focus again. And of course, all their parents are watching, and as an instructor, I need to make sure they see the value in the classes. So it’s a good day, right now, to find a different way of approaching the kids, and renew the passion I have for teaching them.

As for my UBBT requirements, I use my Sundays to reflect on my progress, and make any adjustments that are needed. For example, this week, my wrists felt great, so I decided to push myself on Wednesday and Thursday. Oops. The pain returned on Thursday night, so while the accomplishment of doing 100 pushups felt really great, I had to mentally kick myself for not training smarter. One day, my brain will kick in. :-)

Today is my “free” day, and it’s off to a great start.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If I can help you more when I'm in your classes, please let me know.
