Sunday, January 2, 2011


Yesterday, the school brought in the new year with a 1000 pushups and 1000 situps. Unfortunately due to old injuries, and not wanting to make things worse, I only did 500 pushups. It was really motivating to have everyone posting their progress, and it felt good to be a part of a team like that.

I am looking forward to this next year, and being a part of the UBBT8. Even my kids seem excited for me - however my youngest was a little concerned about my health this morning. She said “Mom, I don’t want you to get hurt again. You always seem to break something.” What a sweetie. But it got me thinking about my grading process for my black belt. They were supportive of me, and while sometimes they complained that I was always busy with Kung Fu, the night I told them I had passed, they both hugged me and told me they were proud of me. And yesterday, they both encouraged me, and offered to help me get my numbers up.

Of the two girls, only one is really enjoying Kung Fu. I hope this changes, but even if it doesn’t, I do know that they are both learning a lot from it. I see it in the empathy they exhibit towards others, and I see it in the way they view the world around them.

UBBT8 is going to be great for me, and great for us as a family. It will be a year of growth for all of us and so far, we are off to a great start.

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