Sunday, January 16, 2011


Lately (the last week or so), I have been forced to take inventory of my injuries. The tendonitis in my wrists has been acting up, preventing me from doing much in the way of pushups, my ankle has been sore, the ball of my other foot has been sore, and my hip is still an issue. It might sound like I am complaining, but I am just more aware of my limitations this week, and have to keep them in front of me.

I have also been taking some inventory of my household stuff. One of my goals for this year, is to reduce the stuff in our house by a minimum of 50%. To do this, I have to do two things. One, is to go through everything, room by room, and get rid of all the things we do not use anymore. I plan to fill at least one box per month, although more is better. The second thing is to buy less. That will be the easier task. I have a habit of holding on to all of the kids’ things. Pictures they make, the art projects that come home, and all of their other things.

I am looking forward to minimizing. I used to move a lot, and always took that opportunity to downsize. However, it is so easy to just collect more. And now that I plan on staying where we are for a long while, I need to simplify. It will help with the anxiety my daughter and I suffer from, and it will be a step towards lessening our global consumption. A little goes a long way, and if I set this example for my kids, I know it can spread.

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