Sunday, December 5, 2010


Every day we make choices. Some aren’t the best, but I think overall, we try to make the right ones. Sometimes, it’s easy to let someone get under our skin and to react accordingly, but sometimes, it’s better to just smile.

I was in the grocery store about a week ago, and something happened. Nothing extraordinary or anything, but I made a choice and I feel good about it. I was shopping with my youngest daughter (8 yrs), and we went to a checkout. When we pulled in with our cart, the light was on, but after unloading a few things, the cashier said “Excuse me, but I am closed.” Then I noticed her light was off. Nice. But instead of making it an issue, which would have been easy, I chose to smile, look at my daughter and tell her that we need to find a new cashier. The one next to us called out to us with a smile, so it helped me to keep my spirit up. I could have said something, but I felt that maybe this person had a bad day, or just a really long busy one, and so it isn’t a big deal for me to move on. And my daughter was with me, and there was no need to get upset in front of her. I want to teach her to have peace in her heart, and my choosing not to get angry and move on with a smile, I hope I set a good example for her.

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