This month is Heart and Stroke month. Heart Disease is defined as a group of conditions affecting the structure and the functions of the heart. It is preventable and manageable.
A stroke is a sudden loss of brain function. It happens when there is a disruption of blood flow to the brain, which causes cells to die. Blood provides oxygen and nutrients to the brain and without these damage occurs.
Some things you can do to to control your risk factors for both heart disease and stroke...
Don’t smoke, be physically active, know your blood pressure, eat a diet low in saturated and trans fats, maintain a healthy weight, limit alcohol use, and reducing your stress, can play a significant role in reducing your risk of heart disease.
Healthy choices are very important in preventing and managing these. This includes incorporating the four food groups as often as you can, with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables, being physically active (Kung Fu is a big help), but even walking for 20 - 30 minutes a day. Reducing your stress is a big one, which can also done through Kung fu, as is meditation, journalling, and finding time for yourself. Also knowing your family history will go a long way in understanding and managing your risk factors.
The following website is full of information and I recommend it...
While February is dedicated to Heart Disease and Stroke, we should be aware each and every day.
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