Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wild Rumpus

I feel really drained right now, so I am not sure what to write about. However, this is a commitment that I intend on keeping. Journaling once a week, is something I have done for a couple of years now, and it is really good for me.

I am feeling some relief that the Chinese New Year Banquet - Black Belt Promotion is done. I really enjoyed all the work preparing for it, don’t get me wrong, but I have missed the continuity of our regular schedule.

My ankle has been holding up fairly well lately, so I am thinking that now that the banquet is over, I can perhaps push myself harder again. I haven’t really trained too hard on my forms and such for quite a while, so it will be fantastic to get to it again. The only drawback I seem to suffer from right now, is the tendonitis in my right wrist from work. It hurts to do much with it, and my pushups have suffered a little. I guess it could be a lot worse though. All of my body (injured) parts could be flaring up right now. I am in pretty good shape for the shape I am in.

Just after the candidates received their black belts, while we were all standing up on stage (and just before the entire school came up for the picture), I had a phrase pop into my head. It took a lot of willpower not to say it out loud since it was probably not appropriate. If anyone has seen and/ or read “Where the Wild Things Are”, this will make sense. For some reason, I wanted to yell out, “Let the wild rumpus start!”

Yup, I am a little nuts. Or maybe just tired. Or something in between.

Everyone worked hard for yesterday, and I am proud to have been a part of it. The whole day ( from beginning to end) was absolutely fantastic. I belong to an amazing family.

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