Thursday, November 19, 2020

Just Be...


In some previous years of my I Ho Chuan, I have taken on a requirement of mindfulness. One year was mindful walking, another was mindful hugging, and yet another was mindful eating. This year a requirement was a gratitude journal. So how do these tie together? I guess that’s a silly question, as being mindful guides us to gratitude.

I am mostly mindful when I take the dog for a walk. He meanders a lot, and sniffs even more. So it gives me time to just be. I can take moments to centre myself, to feel the earth’s energy and how everything is connected. I can be thankful for the sun on my face, the breeze at my back, and the world around me.

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to practice both mindfulness and gratitude at the same time. I took my husband’s aunt out to run errands. At 84 years old, she is still funny and full of life, even though life has slowed her down. I took the time to shut off everything and to just be in the moment with her. And I am grateful for her, for taking me in as her “niece” and to be a part of her life. She has a lot of wisdom to share, and I am thankful that she chooses to share some with me.

Our world is so busy, and we forget to stop and just breathe. We need to stop and appreciate what we have for we never know when it might be gone. And with the events of this week in our Kung Fu family, yesterday was exactly what I needed.

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