Tuesday, November 10, 2020

I Ho Chuan


I have been a part of the I Ho Chuan program for all except 2 years. And both of those years that I was not a part of, I felt somewhat lost. The IHC gives me more purpose, and an extra layer of accountability, both to myself and my fellow students.

It’s a year of setting goals, making plans to complete them, and taking consistent action. Ironically, this year has been the one where my goals actually shifted throughout the course of this year. I am on track for a few, turned 90 degrees in other directions for a couple of others, and one I am just picking up now.

I join this team year after year to better myself. I want more mastery in my life and I don’t want any regrets when my life is over. I have an idea of the lifestyle I want to be living when I am in my 80’s and if I stop pursuing mastery now, that lifestyle will never materialize. I am grateful for the IHC, and travelling on this journey with some amazing people!

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