Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Cranes for peace

I started folding cranes many years ago. We had a 1000 crane project back then and folding them is something that stuck with me. Folding cranes made me feel peaceful while I worked. The process of emptying my mind, and focusing on just that one thing soothed my soul, and relieved stress.

This project speaks to me on a few levels. First, the sense of peace within. How do we spread peace if we don't feel it inside? An important phrase in our kwoon is Lu Ping An - walking in peace and harmony. For me, it means that when my body and soul feel peace, then it will spread from me to the people around me, and then to the world. Peace for all beings, for all plants. I don't always feel peaceful, but folding cranes provides me with a great tool to achieve that.

This project also speaks to me as a way to show the world that the way to peace isn't with fighting or hurting each other, or condemning each other. It's a non verbal way of expressing my values.

If you aren't familiar with the story of Sadako Sasaki I encourage you to read it. Basically, this project of folding 1000 started with her. An atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima in 1945 when she was 2 years old. Years later, at the age of 12 she became sick with leukemia. A result of all of the lingering radiation. According to Japanese legend, a person who folds 1000 cranes will be granted a wish. Her wish was for world peace. And so is mine.

I want to thank those of you who have been folding cranes, and we will get to our goal soon. I estimate about 300 at is point, and will have them hanging in the school.


Monday, November 16, 2015

Always a lesson

Everyday I learn something. It might not be something big, but there is always something.

It was pointed out to me today that a technique that I have been teaching isn't what it should be. I thought, holy crap! How long have I been doing that? It more than likely started as a tool to fix something, but quickly became a comfortable change, and therefore changed the technique for me. Yikes. How easy it is to develop a bad habit! Thankfully, it was pointed out to me, so I can now correct it.

Earning a black belt isn't the end. In fact, I think that's where it all really begins. I learn everyday. It might be insights into my reactions, or thought processes, or it might be a different way of doing things. At any rate. No matter where I am, or what I am doing, there is always a lesson.

Sorry if this doesn't flow well. I didn't expect this post to really go this direction...:-)

Sunday, November 8, 2015


I have been thinking about the state of my training lately. I am very aware of my limitations and while they frustrate me sometimes, I have learned to make the best of them. And I think a lot of my growth this past year, has been more mental than physical. But I think most of it stems from moving meditation. In other words, Tai Chi. And reflecting now, i have had a few periods this year where my mental state really needed it. I chose the Tai Chi short form for my 1000 reps, and I think it was a good choice.

I started learning Tai Chi about a month after I earned my black belt, and it was instrumental in healing my ankle. (Which broke 4 weeks before). It has been a tool to build the small muscles, and it's a tool which tells me when my ankle is weak. Like Sifu Dennis says, Tai Chi will remind you of all of your old injuries. Not because it's doing damage, but because it points out all of the weak small muscles.

Tai Chi balances out my psyche, and balances my body. It allows me to focus on my chi, and to become more sensitive to it. (And maybe one day I can be an air bender! Lol).

Tai Chi is the grand ultimate fist.


Monday, November 2, 2015

In the moment and things

I have had some lessons this past while about being in the moment. There are many times, where there is somewhere else we would rather be. But having that mindset, can set us up for disappointment, stress, and eventually resentment.

I have been reminded that its important to make the best of where we are. There are many hidden gems in, every situation. Be it good, or sad, or difficult. Taking the time to appreciate where we are, and who we are with, are I think, the key to happiness.

I know I am blessed to be surrounded by people on a similar journey, who share similar values. I wouldn't be where I am today, or the person I am today without that appreciation.

I have been practicing moving meditation a lot over the years, and have not been as successful with sitting meditation. But I think I am ready to start.

Thank you to everyone at Silent River Kung Fu. For being a second family, and providing a caring, compassionate environment for me and my children to grow. I truly appreciate every one of you.