Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I meant to blog on Sunday, and now I am finding that it's Wednesday and I haven't blogged yet. Funny how the days can get away from you and how easy it can be to fall out of your routine. But getting back into it is the key to success.

The Advanced Black Dragons' demo for the Chinese New Year banquet is coming along. I love how creative these kids are, and they seem to be having a lot of fun with it this year. I think they have more of a personal interest this year, and it's cool to see how they create. It's funny though, I was finding it a bit stressful (like I do every year) right after we got back after Christmas break, but last week, things totally felt like they were coming together.

I can't wait so see how they do on performance night. (and of course, I can't wait for all of the other performances!!!)

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