Sunday, January 26, 2014

Compassion and Empathy

Over the last few months, I feel that my compassion and empathy have been tested. It's easy to lose that when you are frustrated and feeling a bit overwhelmed, but it is really important that we take a step back and try to look at it from a different angle so that we are not jumping to conclusions and judging others when perhaps all they really need is our understanding and empathy.

I have to deal with people who pass the buck like a hot potato daily, and I find it incredibly frustrating to try to get things done. I find this situation really hard to have any empathy and compassion, but I am trying. I have really felt this over the last few months, and I hope that things change soon because it's exhausting. I value people that refuse to say "that's not my job" and they find a way to get it done. Stepping up to fill in holes can be challenging, but I have yet to be unrewarded. Empathy and compassion are important tools in every aspect of our lives.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I meant to blog on Sunday, and now I am finding that it's Wednesday and I haven't blogged yet. Funny how the days can get away from you and how easy it can be to fall out of your routine. But getting back into it is the key to success.

The Advanced Black Dragons' demo for the Chinese New Year banquet is coming along. I love how creative these kids are, and they seem to be having a lot of fun with it this year. I think they have more of a personal interest this year, and it's cool to see how they create. It's funny though, I was finding it a bit stressful (like I do every year) right after we got back after Christmas break, but last week, things totally felt like they were coming together.

I can't wait so see how they do on performance night. (and of course, I can't wait for all of the other performances!!!)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Not So Happy Feet

Yesterday we practiced the lion/ dragon dance in a school gym and it was awesome to practice with the extra space. However, by the end of our practice, I felt some significant discomfort in both my feet, and my bad ankle. It is probably due to running/ skipping in bare feet, so it's my own fault.

#1 - I hate doing Kung Fu in shoes. It doesn't feel good at all.

#2 - I hate wearing socks (possibly more than wearing shoes for Kung Fu. If I have to wear socks, they better be fun socks at the very least)

So this brings me to the question of what to do for my feet for the Chinese New Year banquet. We will be running on concrete, so it will be worse than yesterday. (Although it will be for a shorter length of time.). I am thinking I will have to wear my Vibrams, which is almost like wearing nothing, and that will have to do. (Short of hiring a Swedish Massuese named Olga)




Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year

Today started with our annual 1000 push-ups, 1000 sit-ups to get the new year started on a great note. This year, I noticed that I was in the moment more during the periods of rest. I am not in the moment as often as I would like, so it was a nice surprise. The only down side side was that I was also more aware of who was missing this year.


It was also interesting to have my daughters watch me do this today. (So far I have done 1000 sit-ups, but have many more push-ups to go). One was cheering me on, and the other couldn't understand why we do this.


1000 of anything in a day is a lot, and feels amazing to accomplish. I can't think of a better way to spend the first day of 2014 and with my fellow students. As a group, I cannot imagine how many we have totalled. (Would be cool to know)