Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ugh, stress.

What do you think of when you think of stress? Is it physical stress, or a stressful situation? Or is the stress from trying to find the balance between work, kung fu, family?


I think it's easy to forget that after a while, stress can just become backround noise, and it isn't until your body overtakes your mind and the reality sets in. Huh? Basically, over time the stress eats at you, and what your mind endures, so does your body.


That's when it's time to stop and take in your surroundings. Or take stock of what the heck is going on. Your body is a window - and it very easily lets us know when something is amiss. We just have to quiet our minds and listen. Not always an easy thing to do however.


So now what? First, figure out what is going on. Then take the steps needed to eliminate them if possible. If they cannot be eliminated, then find a good, healthy way to cope. Whether it's meditation, journalling, or simply taking the time to take care of yourself. (we do deserve that). And if we cannot do this on our own, we need to ask for help.


I know long term stress isn't good. It wears you down, and leaves you in a vulnerable position. But the key is to recognize it and do something about it. I didn't, and I am paying the consequences. But I am not complaining - this is my reality check. (And vacation is coming!)


Take care everyone. We only have one body, and one mind. We need to treat both with considerable respect.



1 comment:

linda shipalesky said...

i know just what your talking about. i have spent the last two years worrying and stressing about my health that I'm sure I have wasted precious time that I should of used living , but it is very hard to stop the cycle our brain gets into. Good luck ,and have a restful holiday