Sunday, December 26, 2010

External what?

For a while now, I have been focusing more on my internal Kung Fu, and it’s time to start working on my external. It started with my broken ankle two years ago, and I now have injuries that seem to either accumulate, or they seem to appear as I am healing from another one.

UBBT8 is going to give me the push/ goals that will help to bring my external Kung Fu up to par. My shoulder/ hip harmony seems to depend upon the level of pain I am experiencing in my hip, and my foot/ hand harmony is dependent on the pain level in my foot. Haha, I am a mess. But I know I will get better.

My Tai Chi is coming along, and one of my requirements is to perform it completely 100 times over the next year. A couple of spots also aggravate my hip, but Tai Chi is a little more forgiving as to how I can adjust my body. I can make two smaller pivots, as opposed to one pivot, so that helps.

I need to work on my cane sequences a little more. I have been somewhat restrained with wrist tendonitis, but again, it’s all about adjustments. Say I can do two sets of the sequences instead of a dozen. I have had to make adjustments for my wrists in other areas too. For example, pushups hurt my wrists palms down, so I do knuckle pushups instead.

While I have these goofy little physical annoyances, I know that I will come out stronger over the next year. I am looking forward to starting it off with 1000 pushups and 1000 situps on January 1st.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

37 Years

My parents have been married for 37 years today. They have always been a source of inspiration, and I think they have something special. In a time where divorce seems so easy, they still have a lot of love and affection for each other.

They have always set a good example for me and my brother, and continue to do so for my children. They have a solid base, and have always been there for each other. And they have always been there for their family.

They’ve always given their guidance freely, and their forgiveness comes quickly. They provide stability and a place I am always welcome. I receive unlimited love and nurturing, which enables me to give the same to my children.

I want to congratulate them today, and wish them many more years to come.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Plans and the number 8

My brain is full of things I want to accomplish, and it can be very overwhelming sometimes. I know I have to prioritize, and instead of thinking about them, I need to just sit down and put them into action.

I am excited because the UBBT 8 can really help me with this. I have some goals already laid out, and have been contemplating a few more. It’s a little scary, as I want to find the right balance right now, but I know I might bite off more than I can chew.

Overall, my biggest plan is to live simply, and to live in the moment as much as I can. All of my littler goals are going to contribute to this, and I hope to find more inner peace. It sounds a little hokey maybe, but I believe I can do this.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Every day we make choices. Some aren’t the best, but I think overall, we try to make the right ones. Sometimes, it’s easy to let someone get under our skin and to react accordingly, but sometimes, it’s better to just smile.

I was in the grocery store about a week ago, and something happened. Nothing extraordinary or anything, but I made a choice and I feel good about it. I was shopping with my youngest daughter (8 yrs), and we went to a checkout. When we pulled in with our cart, the light was on, but after unloading a few things, the cashier said “Excuse me, but I am closed.” Then I noticed her light was off. Nice. But instead of making it an issue, which would have been easy, I chose to smile, look at my daughter and tell her that we need to find a new cashier. The one next to us called out to us with a smile, so it helped me to keep my spirit up. I could have said something, but I felt that maybe this person had a bad day, or just a really long busy one, and so it isn’t a big deal for me to move on. And my daughter was with me, and there was no need to get upset in front of her. I want to teach her to have peace in her heart, and my choosing not to get angry and move on with a smile, I hope I set a good example for her.