Sunday, July 12, 2009

Staying engaged

Lately I have been thinking about what keeps me going in Kung Fu. I have achieved my goal of black belt, and I am aware that some people seem to lose their way after black belt.

One of the sacrifices I made in order to achieve this goal, was to attend the evening adult classes which was hugely beneficial. However, I have now taken that back to spend those nights with my kids, and it is hard to give that up again. Have I fallen off the wagon? I don’t think so.

I have taken in 2 more classes since February, the I Ho Chuan and Tai Chi. It is great to have the focus once more to learn some new things.

But an impact that I didn’t truly realize, is that teaching the kids has really kept me engaged in my training. I get really excited when I see them improve, and their enthusiasm is contagious. I get a challenge from finding new ways to teach that makes learning fun. The rewards and inspiration truly keep me going. I am rewarded with every smile I receive, with every stripe I am honored to give, with every improvement I see. I am inspired when I see the kids “get it”, when they are cheering each other on, and are working as one family.

I question how much I might have let go, since I have been injured since January. I haven’t been able to train very hard for over 6 months now, and at times it is really difficult to stay positive. I definitely see the gift of teaching Kung Fu, and I feel fortunate for that opportunity. It would have been easier to fall off the wagon if I didn’t have that incentive to keep pushing. I think it also helps that I make myself keep going to classes and doing what I can, instead of sitting at home waiting to get better.

I have to admit, that going to the Lion Dance practices has been difficult at times, as I really miss being physically involved in the classes. But again, I am learning a lot from watching the others.

I have been learning patience over the past six months, but not nearly enough not to get stupid and push too hard sometimes. Par for the course right?

I am engaged in my training. By giving to others, I am giving to myself.

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