Sunday, June 14, 2009


I took my girls to the movie Up yesterday. It was a geared towards grownups a little more than I expected, but the girls did enjoy it. It’s main message that I got out of it, was to live life while you have it. Cherish the now. It is easy to let things get in the way of our dreams, and time will just pass by before you know it. I came away feeling that it is important to live in the moment, and not let opportunities pass you by if you can at all help it.

Life is short, and we never know what it will throw at us. There are opportunities all around us everyday, we just have to recognize them and take the chances. After thinking about this, I am excited about all the learning I have ahead of me. My kids teach me so much everyday, and I know I have missed stuff.

I learn from my classes at Kung Fu, from the kids and adults alike. I just need to keep my eyes open, and stay in the moment. It can be challenging sometimes, when my mind is full, but that is when I need to be aware the most.

I believe I also need to push myself beyond my comfort zone in order to cherish the moment. Sifu McKinley put out a challenge for the soul, and I have to admit that it intimidated me. In fact, I am still working on it, and the 7 days is turning out to be a little longer, but it is important to me to push through and complete it.

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