Sunday, June 21, 2009

Challenge for the Soul

I completed Sifu McKinkey’s challenge for the soul today. It was definitely a serious challenge as it took me out of my comfort zone, which is the point.

Day 1 - Give one authentic compliment to another person for every hour you are awake.
I found this one to be hard, but not as hard as I originally imagined. It forced me to really look at the people that surround me.
Day 2 - Complete one act of kindness, big or small to another person for every waking hour.
This one I didn’t complete. I came close, but it was hard to find something for every hour, that would actually count as something.
Day 3 - Write a heart felt letter to someone you love and give it to them.
I really enjoyed this one, and it reminded me of how much I appreciate this person. This was a great exercise!
Day 4 - Make a list of everything and everyone in your life you are grateful for.
This one puts a lot of things into perspective, and I am going to make an effort to do this one often.
Day 5 - Hug a minimum of 10 different people.
I was way out of my comfort zone for this, but I did it. It was awkward asking for a hug, and I tried to do it in such a way that it wasn’t imposing. Basically I explained why I needed a hug first. Is that cheating?
Day 6 - Recognize every single negative thought and exchange it with a positive thought or action.
I have been working on this one for a while, but it still took some effort. It’s amazing to see how many negatives are actually there without even being aware.
Day 7 - Is a "ME" day...  1. Give yourself a compliment by making a list all the qualities your admire about yourself as well as those that make you unique.  2. Do something special for yourself...guilt free!
Today is my ME day, which also happens to be Father’s Day. It is working out alright so far. It’s funny how sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to do something for ourself, in order to lose the guilt. It’s that way for me at least.

All in all, this was a fantastic challenge and I regret not doing it when Sifu McKinley put it out. Thank you Sifu.

1 comment:

Darnell McKinley said...

Glad you enjoyed it... and thank you for posting your results - learning comes in many forms... including hearing about how others experience life.