Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Something happened tonight...

And I didn't appreciate it until now.

I was at the grocery store with my girls, paying for a couple of things in the self checkout, when a male voice approached and asked if he could sing me a song.

I said "Sure, I would like that." and continued with what I was doing. He was obviously a little more special than your average person, and his song was spoken and rushed. I was touched, but a little distracted, and he rushed off before I could thank him.

It struck me tonight, that I was given a gift, and I didn't stop to take the time to truly appreciate it. I wasn't in the moment, and I have no excuse. How many special things do I miss every day because I am not in the moment? How many things am I taking for granted without realizing it?

I need to make a bigger effort to slow down, and breathe in and out, and cherish the gifts that are offered.

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