Sunday, March 22, 2009

Odds and Sods,

I have no idea what to write about today, so here is a few tidbits.

1 - It has been a tumultuous week emotionally. I have been dealing with some personal issues, which has me worn out. But it is all working out, thankfully.

2 - I am frustrated with my ankle and the lack of progress. Not to be a complainer though. I had a bone scan and two fractures were discovered. They are not healing because they keep re-breaking. So now I am in a good brace, and am waiting for an MRI and an appointment with an Orthopedic surgeon. Joy. So much for a sprain! And so much for more Kung Fu. Sigh. I guess patience and progressing wisely definitely comes into play.

3 - I am also filled with anticipation. A Sifu issued a challenge to celebrate her birthday. Writing a poem about being in a form. I can’t wait to see where it takes me. I love poetry, and this challenge really speaks to me. I will have my poem posted very very soon.

4 - I have learned a new form all the way through and I really like it. I have lots to fix, and some adapting to do because of my ankle, but that’s okay. I like it.

5 - Sleep. It has a huge impact on our emotions and the way we handle stress. Watch a child who is over tired, and you will see a cranky 6 year old have a terrible two’s tantrum.

6 - I hate chlorine. I took the girls swimming today, and I am now covered in hives. Bleck.

7 - The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out. It failed miserably.

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