I love reading. I have done it since I was a little girl, and I am so happy that my girls are following suit.
I only have two problems with reading that I am trying to overcome but isn’t easy. The first problem, is that I have a very difficult time buying a book for myself. I should probably have a library card so that this is minimalized, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I should, and will. It is funny though, because it is easy to buy books for my kids. I don’t have to justify anything, I just do it. It is money well spent. But to spend it on myself? No way, jose.
The second problem comes from this. Basically, if I have finally bought a book for myself, then I cannot put it down until I am finished. I find it hard to make a meal, or clean, or do any of the other things I absolutely must do. So I try not to read too often anymore, as it tends to cause a few issues.
Of course, there are a couple of exceptions. I am not into books that make me have to stop, re-read a passage, think about and understand it before I move on. For example, I had a hard time reading Zen and Motorcycle Maintenance. I want to read it again, since the ending made me go “huh?”. However, it is going to take me some time to work up to reading it again. That is just not very enjoyable for me. I also have a tendency to want to buy books that will teach me something, but that always backfires too as I am more easily distracted. I have learned from books, don’t get me wrong, but I definitely prefer to escape in them.
I bought myself a book this weekend, that I have wanted for a while. It has been on sale for a while too, but I only just broke down. Silly huh? It has been hard to put down, no surprises there either.
Anyway, my point, if there is actually one, is that I hope that reading is not something that becomes a thing of the past. There is so much to offer in the written word, and so much to benefit from. Back to my book! (And a trip to the library soon!).