Sunday, January 4, 2009

Training partners

I have been thinking about training partners in Kung Fu. I have trained with different partners over the years, but I have always had a “safe” person. I have a lot of trust in them, and when I am full of self doubt I can relax with them. And while it is great to work with this person, and I hope to have the opportunilty for years to come, I have also recognized the challenge and benefit involved with working with someone different.

Training with one specific person has helped me in many ways. And the challenge with someone new is that what works on one person may need to be adjusted for another. Height, and flexibility (or joints that don’t lock as easily) change things.

Sparring is good for this too, as you have to adjust for every different opponent. But to actually apply techniques is where it gets exciting.

As a rule, I have worked with mostly other girls/ women in training. And for some things, this is a bonus. But lately I have been working exclusively with two male Sihings. Wow. I have had to work on my “meaness”, or intensity and this has been awesome for it. I am finding ways to make contact without actually hurting anyone. Basically, using a slightly different part of my body - for example using my tricep instead of my elbow. I have pulled my techniques for a long time.

Working with someone you don’t usually work with also gives you the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. We all learn differently, and we differ in our approach.

So I am torn on having one specific partner to work with. I really like the security and safety factor, but I have grown so much by working with the guys. I find it exciting and challenging, and I recommend mixing it up to everyone.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

It took a long time for me to realize--as a 6"2' man--that women don't enjoy being my training partner when it comes to sparring. I honestly had never seen myself as all that much bigger than they are. I said this out loud when someone brought it up to me, and three women who were putting on their shoes to leave said, "Uh, yes you are!"

I think they felt a little better when they realized I don't think of myself as that much bigger, but it is awkward for me as a big guy to spar with them--just as awkward as it is for them to spar me. They've been trained where to hit me, and I think they're not afraid to try! I, however, am always extra-careful when I'm training with someone else, because I'd had a habit of hurting people accidentally when I first started.

Bravo to you for wanting to mix it up a bit. You'll be doing both you AND your partner a lot of good.